Friday, April 13, 2007

I Love My Kids!

From the kid who said he'd never spend a dime at their bookstore for clothing..
look what the kid finally got to me?
yep...proud mom.....add this to the other two sweatshirts I have...waiting now for the middle daughter to transfer..and complete my set of 4 pressure there LOVE MY KIDS! (and if you look carefully, he's wearing one, too)

I'm thinking..this summer's gonna hurt.....


  1. Is that Bloomington? I graduated from IU. Go Hoosiers!

  2. Yep yep yep! He's finishing up his 2nd year to go..and onto the student loans...unless he goes for one.more.year. Good thing he likes to read!

  3. So glad mine are out of college. No more large checks to write! LOL. Not a scholarship in site when they went. Daughter graduated from Univ. of Tennessee last May and it was soooo nice to quit writing checks for school. Now if I could only quit writing checks to my LYS. Starting to think I have another kid running around but this time the kid "rolls" around in yarn balls! LOL
