Sunday, May 13, 2007

We're HOME! Happy Mother's Day!

As I'm sitting here, it is currently 3:46am in Southern California. I've just spent the past 1 1/2 hours opening mail and on the phone with tech support to reconnect the computers. [We had a new cable modem delivered while I was gone. We are now up and running.]
However, if I weren't so tired, I would be typing out a full report. Since I feel as if I could dive under the covers and possibly not wake up for ohhhhhhhhhhhhh.....329483405948 days, I'll leave you with this little bit...
Any guesses how we got from Bloomington, IN to Southern California? Hint,...we had a blast! And I'd do it again! Just let me catch some sleep first, please! OH...Happy Mother's Day! Can't wait to see the girls now!
Thanks for all the well wishes, prayers, and great thoughts! Y'all really came through for this trip!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful pic of the landscape. What fun -- I love roadtrips and can't wait to start them when my DD is a little older. Great pics of the ballpark, too. I used to love walking to the Oriole's from our Baltimore apartment, knitting in my bag, and enjoying a Tuesday night game. Loved it.

    Nice job on the blanket!
