Monday, August 27, 2007

Never ending blanket..zzzzzzz

This has become a magical baby blanket. It has powers that puts me to sleep within moments! It seems every time I pick it up to work on it, within moments I am asleep. For a good chunk of time. It doesn't matter if it's at night, the evening, or the middle of the day. I'll get part way across the row, and my eyes get droopy. I'll start nodding off...and the next thing I know, it's 30 minutes later. Or more. It's making me nuts! I've made this pattern several times already, the baby has already arrived...and I adore the yarn I'm working with...but whamm-0! It just knocks me out! EVERY.SINGLE.TIME! I'm beginning to feel like Sleeping Beauty (minus the beauty part) and I keep looking around to find the spindle that I must have poked my finger with that is causing this sudden sleepiness.

I'm just hoping that once this gets finished (providing I can stay awake that long), it'll retain it's special powers and help Little Miss "B" have many restful nights...even if she's already giving her parents lots of sleep. Apparently, she's a veryyyyyyyyyyyyy good baby!

Have you ever had that happen to you? No matter how hard, or awake, when you start knitting, a project finds a way to never get off the needles! And there are so many things I want to get started, but I have to finish this first! HELP! GRRRRRRRRRRR!!!

1 comment:

  1. I have a pair of socks that no matter what I do, I seem to go to sleep when I am knitting them. I consider it therapy....of course, they are for me, so it doesn't matter if I finish or not, but I do understand! Good luck finishing!
