Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Arial View of Malibu Fires

Click on all pictures for larger views.
300,000 people displaced
1,000 homes destroyed in San Diego
100 homes destroyed in Running Springs
2 Dead
at least 37 hospitalized

Leaving LAX...can you see Brown air?

Brown air layers.

Look at the 'film' on the water's surface here..the 'cracks' are the water showing through.

Look carefully on the left side of the smoke. It's another structure going up. The dark smoke with the flames to the left on the bottom.

It's NOT ok with me, for people to set arson fires. AT ALL! EVER!!!!!!!!!


  1. Cathy, thanks for sharing the awesome photos. It really gives us so far away a clearer view of just how devastating this whole thing is. Unbelievable!

    We are praying for everyone and also that the idiots responsible for this will be caught.

  2. Watching it actually makes me cry. I'm on the east coast. I've only been to CA 3 times in my life. But it makes me cry to think of all the people displaced. Seriously. I kid you not. Tears.

    So sad.

  3. wow - nothing else to say but wow and that everyone continues to be in my prayers as they rebuild their lives.
