Saturday, October 6, 2007

'winging' our way through the week

It has certainly been some kinda week around here..and I'm thrilled that we are 'winging' our way to the end of it...Between finishing up the hats so I can finally 'wing' the last box over to Little Miss "B" , to multiple asthma attacks around here thanks to the sewer line back up, to Dad's current trip in the hospital. I'm glad we're at the end of it.

First things, first. The Lavender Heart Blanket that has been so patiently waiting is now accompanied by the BSJ Red Wings BSJ with matching hat. In the box are also three hats for both Grandpas and Daddy to try on to match Little Miss "B". YAAA-HOOOOOOOOO we're finally finished! (Just hope they all fit now that I've taken this much time.

On the Dad front, he's still in the hospital this weekend, but hopefully for not much longer. They 'scoped' him while he ate this week to snap a few pictures during the digestive process. (Sounds like a barrel of monkeys kinda fun-no?) What they found was a collapsed intestine area that the radiation caused. For lack of a better word, and for politeness here, we'll just say that when he eats, parts clot or stick together, thus causing the blockages. (sounds like my mail sewer line last Now we have answers. For the time being he'll be on a liquid diet. It might in time 're-inflate' itself or he'll stay on a liquid diet for the rest of his life. Good thing he likes soup and ice cream-huh? And the good news was that it wasn't scar tissue from the surgeon's mistake of a couple of years ago. That means, at this point. No surgery!

Now for the last segment before I 'wing' my way over to have dinner with my brother for the few short hours he's nearby... the grass has been cut and the bushes have finally been trimmed back...the last time they were taken care of..was back in MAY! In the meantime, with all the water backed up into the house last week, I've been doing battle with the carpet. The first night I was up until 2am washing the towels we used immediately to soak up the water. Boy were they heavy. Then we had the carpets trying to mildew on us. Take a lesson here...if you resort to using bleach in the steam cleaning machine to kill the mildew...don't do it if you have asthma! I woke up this morning and have been struggling for the past few days with asthma attacks. Today was the worst post bleach episode. I could only breathe to the base of my collarbone it felt like. NOT GOOD. I'm now waiting for the carpet to finish drying after I used some allergen shampoo on it. It's cut the bleach aroma around here, but I'm still having issues with breathing. Going to the store this morning really helped. Can't wait for my brother to wake up I can get out of 'Dodge' for a couple of hours while the fans stay on the carpet.

Hope the rest of your weekend is better than this week has been over here in chez yucky carpet central. And may the weather stay warmer while the windows need to be opened- it went down to 53*F last night! So much for SUNNY Southern California here!

Oh, and I hit my 4 year mark this past week from my fall at work back on October 2, 2003! Thanks Governor! I'm still waiting for my court ordered/won medical treatment to begin! You're doing such a bang up job there! (Too bad you didn't have to wait this long to have your leg set when you broke it PLAYING in the snow!)

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