Wednesday, November 7, 2007

I'm "Two Box"

I am officially, as of yesterday - Two Box.
What's Two Box, you ask?
Well...does this give you a hint?

What does "Two box" look like?

Alert the fire department!

Some of my "knitterly" gifts

One of the best parts of yesterday? Hearing Mom and Dad both call to sing me the Birthday song! Dad's doing better every day! With any luck...oldest daughter and I will be with them for Thanksgiving. Still trying to get more of the kids up there, too. Just wish their bosses would understand why it's so important for them to have a couple of days off from work to come along with us. This year, more than ever. Too bad they're not still at the age where Mom can call in and excuse them like they were still in school.

See, it's not all about the cake..I've been knitting, too! And this time, it's NOT putting me to sleep. Thank goodness!

Stay warm, Dad said it was 37*F last night, heading below freezing. With 12" of snow predicted before Thanksgiving. I'm thinking...the UGGS have to do some Thanksgiving traveling this year.


  1. Happy Two Box Day...I mean Birthday! lol
    I love that pink pretty and those knitterly gifts are wonderful.
    Glad to hear that your Dad is doing well.
    I think it got down to 39 degrees F here last night...brrrr.

  2. Happy Birthday to you....Happy Birthday to you.....Happy Birthday Dear Friend....Happy Birthday to youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu......

    Hope you had a great one!

  3. Happy Birthday!! Whoo hoo for you! Have a fantabulous next year!

  4. Happy birthday! I love the way you think of it - in terms of boxes. I'll have to keep that in mind. The pink hearts blanket is lovely. Will you be sharing the source of the pattern? It looks like the perfect baby gift. Happy knitting.
