Saturday, January 26, 2008

If you please....

Remember my Mom?

She fell and broke a rib on Friday afternoon.

Remember my Dad? Here he is with our Bride to be...

He ended up in the hospital on Friday evening with symptoms of a heart attack. Now, it's been proven NOT to have been a heart attack, but more side effects from his Chemo and Radiation treatments. We're waiting to hear if he'll need surgery on his stomach.

So, if you please, light a candle, say a prayer, hold good thoughts (soft, healing thoughts)...

so that these two will be back on their feet very soon....afterall....Grandpa needs to be healthy this summer to preside over his Granddaughter's wedding! And Grandma needs to be there to help Granddaughter and Daughter through the events when we all come to town!

*sigh* it's been a long weekend...


  1. Aww..Kathy, what a weekend. I hope they both get better soon. And I just lit a little candle for them both..literally. It's sitting right here beside me.
    Hugs & Healing Wishes,

  2. What a terrible day! I can't light a candle currently as I am at work and the smoke detectors just might go off (we're forbidden from using bunsen burners for this reason), but I will when I get home. And your daughter is absolutely beautiful! I wish your family health and happiness!

  3. Oh no! I'm so sorry for both your parents. They are definitely in my thoughts and prayers. God bless and wishes that they Get Well NOW! * * Hugs * *

  4. Kathy, know that your parents will be in my prayers. I know the worry of older parents as my 94 yo mom lives with me and had a pacemaker implanted the week before Christmas. Thank God for friends and family and all their prayers.

  5. Bless your heart! It's hard enough to have something happen to one parent, but both in the same weekend is just too much. I will have them in my prayers.

  6. {{{Cathy}}} Hugs to you and your family. We lit a bonfire for them.
