Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Michigan Souvenirs

Check out this ridiculously high pile of snow! The two parking spots I'd used back in June to park next to the parking garage at Mom and Dad's is a 'little' bit crowded. The residents there are now having a contest for the date and time of day when this will finally be completely melted this year. My Dad's first guess when we asked him? July 21st. (see he's getting better...still has his humor!)

Once you unpack from a trip that has you much more tired when you get home than when you started, you find those souvenirs you so carefully packed to bring home. For me, hold onto your's not just yarn I bring home! (well, there is some, but well...stick with me here.)

Vernors! Yes, a 'Michigan Original Since 1866' says the side of the can. For me, it reminds me of my Grandma. She ALWAYS had it in her refrigerator. Now, it's the one thing we could get my Dad to drink when he was refusing his food trays prior to surgery. He said he didn't have any taste for food, but this stuff is a 'wee bit' strong, so mmmmmmm it's a good thing!

Second up is the Win Schulers's bar cheese. Yummy stuff. Best, in my opinion to use with Wheat Thins. Can't wait to break into this, but I'm saving it when the kids can help me 'dig' our way to the bottom of this container.

Now to the yarn. This was an 'as is' clearance sale at Hobby Lobby. I'm no dummy. My mom, just like her mother before, and now myself, will sit and untangle knots to save a buck or two. Thanks Mom! This will end up being another Baby Jiffy Knit Sweater as soon as I'm finished with the latest BSJ.

Here's where I am now with this one. I've decided to add the I-chord around the sleeves and up the shoulders before adding the collar. I just love being able to ask others on yahoo groups for advice before re-inventing the wheel here. Stay to follow if I've understood the directions well.

While waiting yesterday for answers to my quest for BSJ help, I started this dishcloth for my brother. I found this licorice Peaches and Creme in Michigan at Walmart. I'm not such a fan of the 'middle' tone here. My brother likes things Black and Red and White. (he got the recent felted black and red oven mitts), so I thought I'd give this a try. Years ago I had a skein of Black and white that I came across last week that I think I like better. Oh, well, they're still going to wash up dishes just fine. Right?

More souvenirs pictures next time...of the yarn variety...good stuff coming up next! For now...I'm heading to the beach to de-stress some more and give my hand a try with the I-chord shoulder seam.

1 comment:

  1. Love the picture of the Vernors, and cheese... but, no Koegel bologna? Gotta love the Michigan stuffs!

    Love your blog...
