Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Christmas Lace Sack Sock

The small size used 5.05 oz/143 g of cotton in 265 yards/ 242.0m in length.
17 stitches and 25 rows = 4 inches in lace pattern in the round

(US) 7 (4.5mm) 16" circular needle
(US) 6 (4.0mm) double point needlesStitch Marker
Size large: 30" in length
Small (shown) 20" in length

K= Knit
K2Tog=Knit two together
Sl 1 = Slip one stitch
PSSO=Pass Slipped Stitch Over
YO=Yarn Over
Kfb=Knit into the front and the back of the same stitch
C/O=Cast On
B/O=Bind Off
* *=repeat directions between *’s

Rolled Edge Bottom:
Using the circular needle, Cast on 90 stitches. Join stitches but do not twist, place stitch marker at beginning of round and Knit 10 rounds.Bottom Eyelet Round:
*YO, Sl 1, K2Tog, PSSO* and repeat around. (60 sts)

Sack body:
Knit one round.
Begin Pattern:
Round 1: *K3, K2 tog, YO * repeat around
Round 2: Knit around
Round 3: *K3, YO, Sl 1, K1, PSSO* repeat around
Round 4: Knit around
Repeat rounds (1-4) until the sack sock reaches 17 " for the small size and 27" for the large size, measured from the eyelet round.

Knit one more round.

Top Eyelet Rounds:
Row 1: *YO, K2Tog* around
Row 2: *K1, Kfb* around (90 sts)

Top Rolled Edge:
Knit 5 round and Bind off in knit.

Using 2 of the double point needles, make two 3 stitch I-chords; one 43" in length, a second one 36" of length.

Thread the 36" length through the bottom eyelet row and tie in front so that there is a small opening at the bottom of the sack.

Using the longer I-chord, thread it through the top eyelet rows with the ends hanging out at the front (to be tied later). Pull up 2 small loops in the back of the sack sock. You're going to tie these loops into a single hanging loop opening at the bottom.

Tie one loop over the other. Fill and reuse those grocery store bags!

Don't forget to round out your kitchen set with a Christmas Lace Dishcloth and and a Christmas Lace Kitchen Hanging Hand Towel.


  1. Cathy,
    What a lovely set. I'm thinking they'd make a nice Mother's Day gift for my mom.
