Saturday, June 14, 2008

This Greed is so out of Control!

June 7, 2008

June 13, 2007-3:20 pm

June 13th, 4:29 pm

June 8, 2007

Yes, all the same station...

Reminds me of the stories back during the Depression when the cost of bread was rising so quickly..and folks needed a wheelbarrow to bring money in...this is nuts. No, beyond nuts.


  1. Yeah - I'm paying $4.99 a gallon. sigh. I guess I'll just stay home and knit.

  2. This is so out-of-control and no one seems to want to take charge of the problem.
    Thankfully I work 3.5 miles from my home and I have my knitting in the car to work on during my lunch breaks.

  3. Oh my word! I promise not to complain about my 3.95 gas anymore. We haven't hit the $4 yet, but it's oh so close. So many people are really struggling....

  4. you aren't kidding I paid $72.90 to fill my tank today at $4.59 a gal...Oh My!!!!
