Monday, June 30, 2008

Weekend knitting

Today my Auntie "N" is having her hip replaced. She LOVES giraffe's and all things Navy and Maize! So, for a little get well giggle, I knit up a prayer shawl (she's been knitting them for family and members of her church) for this beanie baby giraffe. Then I got to thinking that football season will be here soon enough. Now, what self respecting giraffe would face the world minus a scarf and hat? Well, I'm also guessing that her 4 little Granddaughters might like to dress Grandma's Giraffe while they wait for her to finish mending and back to their tea parties.

Then, my weekend started off with a tray full of these: much fun! This is partly the view I had:

Another reason for teaching yourself how to knit without looking! While trying to 'numb' me up, which wasn't going very well, there was a lot of time to count 1, 2,3, 4, Ktbl, 1, 2, 3, 4, Ktbl....And it helps to keep counting when you don't want to pay attention to the third try at numbing a nerve that has other weekend plans. For the record, I highly recommend that if you have some temporary crowns that you don't wait for 5 years for them to break to finish getting your permanent crowns put in! Not such a fun experience, I'm just sayin'...

I would however, suggest this for weekend knitting!

Yep, out on the beach for a great Sunday afternoon with the daughter. Watching a surfing competition and knitting away with some SPF 30. Much nicer than contributing to the local Dentists' bank account!

I am working on another KBB Baby Blanket out of Lion Brand Wool-ease Navy. Just like the one I finished in March. We'll call this one Cousin #2 blanket. Mix that with DVD movie night afterwards, and it's coming along very well.

Talked to both Mom and Dad this weekend. I had hoped to hear from them yesterday as well, but didn't. So far, Mom is doing well after her first two days of chemo. Mostly we think she's tired from the emotions of the past few weeks of the process starting. She's not had any of the side effects that she's been warned about, but there are more treatments down the road. For now, she's ready 'just in case.' Her sisters are really supportive and can't wait to be able to hug her and help in any way. Hopefully her baby sister will come through today with flying colors after her surgery. Isn't it great to hear sisters in their 70's and 80's show so much support and love for each other? It's great for me to know after my kids were little having their 'sibling rivalry'. Oh, those days used to really tire me out. I can only imagine what my brothers and I did to my Mom! 'Mom, she's looking at me!" "Mom he's touching me!"...oy!

Back to knitting, before it get really hot again this afternoon.

1 comment:

  1. What other colors are there besides BLUE and MAIZE? Really! GO BLUE! Keep knitting! Hope the dental work was not too painful. Also, my best thoughts are for your Mom!
