Friday, July 25, 2008

I'm still here!

I'm still here, Knitting away. My son's birthday was last week, hence the latest adorable baby picture, and yes, I'm very biased. Since he's a very big Dodger fan in our family, he got the kitchen set all in Dodger blue. This section, he's already received, so I can show you the pictures. The rest, well, they'll come hopefully in the next week if I can quit ripping them out and get them finished and posted. ULG, why is it that when you want to do something on time, you can't get what's in your head, onto the paper then onto the needles to match what was originally in your head?

One more, this set is from the book, Felted Knits. I love this set and now that all the kids and my Mom have a set, maybe someday, I will too! The oven mitts and the trivet patterns were all knit double stranded with Paton's Classic Wool in "That's Blue!" and "Grey Mix" colors. A total of four skeins (two for each color) were used to knit all five pieces here. And there is a wee bit left over in case I want to add bits of color here and there at some point on hats, etc...

After hitting my frustration limit with the current 'other project' over the weekend I actually knit up a kitchen towel and dishcloth for myself. I used one skein of Lion's Cotton in Americana to make both of these pieces. Since this was a multi-colored skein, it was only 4 oz, so there wasn't any left for for a tribble, and I had to shorten the dishcloth by 5 rows. I'm thinking that next time I should use a cast on of 35 stitches and 20 rows in the body? Not sure, but that's what I'm thinking to get the bind off the way I prefer it. Oh well, it's going to wash up the dishes just as well. Right? Spaghetti dishes don't really care how you cast off, right?

One last thing before I head off to block a piece and reknit (yet again) another...please remember, that as much as I'm thankful my patterns have found homes with you, don't use my pictures when you post them in Ravelry or elsewhere. Each author's text, patterns, and pictures all belong to that author's copyright. Respect the designer's work, be it patterns or craftsmanship and post what you've been able to knit up. Not someone else's pictures, etc...

Thanks! Now, onto more knitting so I can post new patterns shortly.

1 comment:

  1. HI Cathy,
    I love your patterns. I've knit the JOY cloth and towel for my secret sister at church. She just happens to be my ex husband's wife. She's really sweet and my grandson Johnny and I both like her alot.

    The Hail to the Chief are on my to do list. A penpal/ email pal her dh went to U of M and so did two of their three dd's. She even had a dog named BO.

    Thanks for the cool patterns. I like reading your blog,too.

