Saturday, August 30, 2008

It's that time.

I guess it's that time. I've changed flights home at least 3 times already, but the truth is ...

Most everything has been moved and the closet's filling up...

Dinner was FANTASTIC.....

the roof-top pictures have been taken, and one last 'sleep-over' in the old apartment...

The kids have 'staked out' their TV spots...

A couple of more pictures taken this morning...

And the banana cake is cooling on the stove top now.

The kids are home now in their own homes. It's time for me to go home.

Can I go back when they were all little?


  1. You win my vote for Super-Mom. I am duly impressed with all the hard work, love, and tireless efforts you put into helping everyone get settled. I hope I make it look as seamless as you do when my turn comes.

  2. Wow !!
    I wish we could all slow down those years when they were "babes too" Mine are adults too and their lives are so B-U-S-Y with sweet young ones !
    Thanks for the memories of seeing Boston again.Love that town- love that "GREEN" thing!

    Have you tried to do a sweater in a multi-stripe or zig-zag pattern "little wwwww"s ??

    Have a restful new month-- SEPTEMBER-my favorite!!

