Sunday, August 24, 2008

Real Moms Wear...

OK, it's getting down to crunch while I take a few minutes to copy pictures to leave with my daughter, here are a few from the past few days between unpacking boxes.

We've had the chance to have the first cooked at home dinner. Grilled Salmon, spinach salad, couscous on the end tables still in their shrink wrap from Target.

Hmmmmm..this felt like....last week! (ha ha)

Now, besides Wegman's (oh baby! love that store!), Target, Sam's Club,the furniture store, and Lowe's, we finally made it to the campus!

And 'proper' things were purchased...

She's had the first plumbing problem...hopefully to be fixed on Monday-something is leaking from the shower, under the floor, into the bedroom (oh the joys of being an adult!)

And now, the rest of the 'Mom' food has been cooked/baked and the dishes have been washed. (see a particular dishcloth that was used all week?) Lasagna, Rice Krispy treats, Banana Cake today!

'Secret' notes have been left.

Plants have been potted.

the kid crashed...

The freezer has been filled.

It's time to go finish packing my bags and make my flights.

Check out what she surprised me with, and picked up from the bookstore when I wasn't looking. Oh, ya, I'll be wearing it on the plane! Just cracked me up!

and carry tissues as they board the plane. Next stop? Boston! and two more kids to hug!

1 comment:

  1. Awww - what a great way to get your daughter set up for college. It looks like you had a blast. I can envision orange knits in your future.
