Wednesday, August 20, 2008

We made it!

The last part of Oldest daughter's trip to her new city, state, and University and been completed. All that's left now is the unpacking, oh and the homework.

Prettier than words can describe. The American Falls seen from the Canadian side.

Now, where'd we park the car again?

Horseshoe Falls, Niagara Falls, Canada.

A Niagara Mist, while watching the Niagara Mist

The Falls at night under the lights.

Things to bring home; cute and tasty things.

Welcome to your new home state, my daughter! Oh, and it really rains here-hard. You'll get used to it. And then it's going to snow. Big.

New home. Looks kinda empty. But not for long!

First visitors-even before the moving cube arrives! (baby sister and her roommate stopped by while driving through to California stopped for quick hugs and a tour)

Baby Sweater showing a bit of promise, finished the sleeves and now on the collar.

The moving cube has arrived...

Ever so carefully, she opens the door...praying that it all made it safe and sound...

only 2 things moved...the tiny box and the bag on the floor....

Can you see the upside down, purple computer chair in there? Not much air space in there at all!

This girl can pack!

Today we got our fortification on before heading to Sam's and Target for all those things she DIDN'T pack...and yes, there were many!

Most of the cube has been unpacked...can you remember where you put the napkins? Pizza is on it's way!

Next stop for Mom...Boston with the baby daughter and the son and their new apartment!

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