Wednesday, November 12, 2008

And we are back!!!!!!

We're back! The computer and I are back! Wooooo hoooooooo!!! Freakin' my much for 'we can pull your data in 24 hours'. Sheessssshhhhhhh...oh..and in the long was ONLY the DC Jack that needed to be fixed. NOT.A.SINGLE.BIT.OF.DATA.LOST!!! To add insult to injury, as I went in to pick up the computer, the kid behind the desk handed me a paper stating in bright, RED, lettering with an arrow, that I Owed $786.00+! For a change (due to the 'few' pictures I have for you here) let's shorten the story and just say, I didn't, I have my computer, I have my own copies of the data now...and the store got to honor my service agreement, and didn't get to take another $200 from me for the data they pulled, after they reformatted my hard drive, they got to fix their mistakes, and I took the pieces of broken data DVDs home to throw through my own shredder. *ahem* as it should be.

Now, I wasn't just resting on my laurels while the computer was gone. I have been busy..wanna see?

Two camo hats for the Vets down in Balboa Hospital (which really need to be mailed out)..

Did some PINK things for the month of October

Started a PINK blanket using my NMCRS Basketweave Blanket pattern over (<---- ) there. And then using some I Love this Cotton! yarn (you can pick up from Hobby Lobby) to make a bunch of Chemo Caps to surprise Mom with. With all her gratitude she's had for the ones I've made for her, thought her Doc's office might like a few for other patients...I'll bring them to her over Thanksgiving. So, if you see her, don't tell!

Went to New York for some 'daughter' time. (and brought along a whole lot of her undergrad books with me!)

Met some friends...and check this out...first picture, middle --- IS A KNITTER! And not only a knitter..but she's designed her own purse as one of her first projects!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Talents abound I tell you!

Made some chili for stuffing the daughter's freezer....recipe to follow soon....

Soaked up as much as I could of the last of the beautiful colors up there...

Cooked up some more pumpkins to stuff into her freezer....

Check out the easy way we found to stuff the quart bags! Slide the bag into the tall plastic cup, fold the bag over the top..and you're good to go! (Now I have to find a cup to keep in MY kitchen!)

Made some Potato-Leek soup for her freezer (recipe also over <--- there, too!) Which after it was frozen..led me to....

Drop one of the FROZEN packages onto my toe, cut and bruise it up really well! OUCH!!!

Made some Beef stew...also for the freezer....

Finished the pink blanket particulars:

NMCRS Basketweave Baby Blanket, ver. 2
5 skeins of Bernat Softee Baby in Rumba Rose (actually about 4 1/2 or so) Used the yarn double stranded.
(US) 8 (5.0mm) for the top and bottom borders and (US) 10 (6.0mm) circular needles for the body of the pattern.
Knit pattern from rows 1-208 as written, then repeat rows 17-28 once more, before knitting rows 209-225 to finish the blanket.

Went to Stella's and had their Monte Cristo French toast...ohhhhhhhhh let me tell you that was some really good breakfast there! YUMMYYYYYYY. It's one of those places that if you like breakfast foods, you're not going to go away hungry!

They also serve a HUGE mound of what we call fried potatoes. And yes, you can order the 1/2 size as well. Which I wish I had. Soooooo much good stuff! (And their blueberry pancakes are just as good, too!)

After a wait of probably 3 or more years, made daughter the Coronet hat from that she's been waiting for. Proof that all good things come to those who wait? hmmm..made it from Debbie Bliss Cashmerino Aran on size (US)8 (5.0mm). Quick, fast and very soft.

Had some Coldstones Strawberry Cheesecake Ice cream cake...another yummy find....

Made more Rice Krispy treats (recipe also over <---- yonder) to leave with the daughter...

Started another Norwegian Star hat from the "Hats ON!" book that I love so much and this one

FITS! Actually it might be a wee bit large, but it comes down over my ears the way I prefer to have cold weather hats fit. With the knitted in hem, this is going to be warm! Size large this time with Cascade 220 white and navy yarn on (US) 4 (3.5mm) and (US)6 (4.0mm) addi turbo needles.

I'm now working on Mom's sweater. I'm using Paton's Classic Wool in 'Too Teal' with 'Nellwyn Cardigan' Pattern from Leisure Arts book, Cable Confidence. Now, either I'm not reading the pattern well, or it's got a lot of mistakes in it. Either way, I've had to re-write my copy of the patten several times. I've gotten it started, and I'm doing it all in one piece rather than 3 pieces at once time as I did Dad's vest...which led to....

pulling out 6 snitches and knitting them back up again....

and being off by just one row. Which led to...

pulling back out 3 stitches again...

and knitting them back up to where I am in the belief that I've done it correctly this time. But I'm not holding my breath just yet.

Even if it wants to make me think I've got it covered at this point. I want it finished before flying to Mom and Dad's over Thanksgiving for her Dec 1st birthday. Guess I really should be working on it now. Small details, I'm sure. Still reading? Good job.

Had a little more cake...this one was carrot cake...

Worked on the sweater some more....

Had still more cake..Dairy Queen this time! (Love that center fudge part)

Shared this one with another daughter...

Made some stitch markers and row counters to go with some dishcloths to go

Hang out with some fabulous AC4C friends for the afternoon the other day while we toured the WRC Pregnancy Center that we will be knitting, sewing, and crocheting for next April, 2009 in between laughing and talking and winding up wool cakes for Camille. Say hello to Camille and Arlene and Shirley here!
I'm off to get some plane tickets for Turkey Day and work on a very bright sweater for awhile.
It's good to be back.


  1. It's so great to have you back. I have missed reading your blog. It looks like you got ALOT accomplished though. Sorry for the hurt toe. :( Happy Birthday!

  2. It's so great to have you back. I have missed reading your blog. It looks like you got ALOT accomplished though. Sorry for the hurt toe. :( Happy Birthday!

  3. Happy Birthday and so glad you are back I have missed reading your blog and seeing all the pretty things you are knitting and your wonderful cooking.


  4. Its great to see you back :) Missed all the posts. Although I think I can 5 lbs with every read (all that food, yum).

  5. Wow! Happy Birthday. You accomplished so much while your computer was down. If I didn't already know how much you get done on a regular basis I might be tempted to think you got all this completed BECAUSE your computer was down. I'm glad you're back. I love everything - the pink blanket might be my favorite.

  6. Belated birthday greetings!
    I'm glad you got your computer back (after "learning from your mistake" I started copying some files from my hard drive too--just in case).
    I love the pink basket weave blanket--I'll have to see if my Hobby Lobby here in Rochester carries the same yarn.
    Thanks for the tip on filling freezer bags--I made a heckuva mess last weekend with some squash.

  7. Glad to see you back. Whoa, you have been very busy, all that wonderful looking food!! Oh and yes, I do love fried potatoes!!! yummy.

    I hate when you find you've made a mistake many rows down and have to tink that row downwards, sigh. It's one of those "oh No"s. Mistakes on arans are particularly awful :P.

  8. Happy to have you back--I really missed visiting your blog.

    Sounds like you had a great birthday--I don't want them anymore.

    Thanks Cathy, for the update on the Basketweave Blanket Ver 2.
    I am planning on knitting a couple of these for gifts.

    I love all the recipes, tips and patterns that you share with us, your internet friends.

    Not only are you a great knitter and cook but you are also an exceptional Mom. I know your kids appreciate you--how could they not???

  9. I missed reading your blog! So glad to hear you're back up and running. I see you've gotten alot of knitting accomplished in the meantime.
