Monday, January 19, 2009

3rd time around

This is the 3rd time around with this stupid cold. Since yesterday morning, I've gone through 4 boxes of tissues. We won't talk about the condition of my stupid nose.

Man it came on hard and fast this time. How fast? Well.

In 2 days, this is the only knitting I've finished..the inside of one pocket. That's sad. I found this magazine at Barnes and Nobles and want to make the car coat. This may take awhile if I don't get any better.

I am up to 3 of 10 that I committed for the BOL project over at AC4C. I'm using up Lily Sugar and Cream cotton in Grandma's Favorite.

And I finished up another Christmas Eve Scarf out of Hemplewhite in Lion Brand Homespun before I got nailed again with this crud.

On Saturday, I finished 4 more coffee sleeves, but my brain is fighting with me when I try to type up the pattern. As soon as I feel better (or can put together a sentence...I'll get it up.) Can you tell where the new ones are?

Ok, I'm going back to the medicine cabinet. My throat is raw and my nose is just as bed. Stay warm and I'll try not to share the germs.


  1. Cathy - I can so sympathize with your cold. I've had mine for 8 days now, and I consider it a personal affront. I NEVER get sick! I've even tried giving it away, but no one else wants it! I guess we will just have to wait it out. It would be nice if we could concentrate on some knitting though, wouldn't it?

    PS Love all the coffee sleeves.

  2. Hope your feeling better love love the mug cozy's. Stay Warm
