Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I ran away...

Last week, my daughter sent me a picture of her Hearts on your Coffee Sleeve in use. She did say that it was a little bit loose on her Starbucks cup, so you may want to drop the needle sizes by one if you find that happening to you as well. I wasn't using that 'brand' of take out cup to test when I was making mine. I'll have to work up a couple soon and see how that works. When I get it done, I'll update the patterns and let you all know.

In the mean time, I've been knitting on what may become the 'never-ending' scarf for my son, also in frozen country. Remember, he wants to wrap it around his neck twice and have it long enough to hang down across his chest. It took a bit of a trip with me...

Scarf -meet a cow...

Scarf - meet the snow and -23*F wind chill!

See? I can dress for the weather up there! (and use my hand knits) Now, where did I go?


I had the opportunity to 'run away' and visit the daughter up in frozen country this past weekend. I'm still trying to absorb the fact that at the last minute I was able to 'run over' for the weekend. She and her friend picked me up at the Buffalo airport .....

and we drove back to Syracuse.

Scarf, meet Up State New York!

The "GIRLS"...hey girls! It was a blast-thanks for letting me crash your movie night! Dinner was at the Dinosaur B-B-Q place we've been wanting to try every time I've been in town. Boy was it good!

(Check this out - did you know that 3 of these ladies are knitters? Ya think it might rub off on the daughter?)

Remember all the pumpkin that we filled her freezer with? Well, let me just say...mmmmmmmmm milk please! (notice the felted oven mitts? Gotta make me some soon!)

Shameless effort to get the daughter to email the better picture of us that she has on her camera.

This is why the daughter needed the care package last week..her favorite Tapitio goes rather quickly. That would be from Stella's! another fabulous place in town.

See where the 'pink heart for big sister' ended up? Too cute - huh? Right next to the picture of the two of them up on her walls.

Valentine's mug from the daughter.

More snow-but starting to melt before I left town.

I finished the last 3 baby washcloths for the AC4C project for January.

The current state of the Blustery Day scarf. At first I thought I was going to go to 84", but when I get there, I'll see if that will be enough. I have a feeling it won't be long enough. We'll see.

Now that I've left the daughter's place, it was time to make some pumpkin bread for me! Thank you Betty Crocker for the recipes! Yummooooooooo!

Then it was onto Apple Crisp-again...yummy and Betty Crocker and I are goooood friends, I tell ya!

I'm off to work on the scarf, so I can get to some of this 'souvenir' yarn from A.C. Moore that Megan took me to pick up while the daughter was at work. I have some plans for this! Can you see the new colors of that Bernat Cotton baby? Must.Knit.Faster.Son.is.still.cold.

*sigh* Today is/was my Grandpa's birthday. I miss him and my other Grandparents a lot.


  1. Love the story of your 'get-away'!
    I do the same thing, visiting my two twenty-something daughters who live in Chicago. In fact, I'll have my own get-away in April....we have tickets for RENT!!! Thanks for the chuckle about the traveling knitting as well :-)

  2. Girl, how many miles do you fly a month? I fly NUMEROUS miles per month on my broom but I'm talking about in plane with you ;-)

    I was so cold here last night in L.A. that I kept the heater on all night - that is something I NEVER do. But did because I was actually shaking from being cold. Don't know how you do NY.

