Saturday, March 28, 2009

More of the Boston Trip...

This is how I prepared for my trip...let's just say, it's not the most fun time I've ever had. After 25 ish years of asthma issues, this was my first time needing breathing treatments. I'm much more familiar with being on the other side of the mask thingy as a Mom. By the 3rd try, I was feeling a bit better so I could work on my son's hat. After all I had a deadline to meet. Does this now qualify as one of those-where's the strangest places you've knit before?

And this is how I arrived at Logan-had I had more room, I would have brought along more shoes for the daughter! The week before, I had found 5 more boxes of her clothes and shoes that I didn't know we'd been storing for her. Time to get the clothes to the kid!

After delivering the bags, I tried to snap a cell phone picture to send to the other kids-something I like to do to show them that Mom has arrived. You know, a picture is worth a 1,000 words kind of thing? Well, this was all I could get of the daughter to which middle daughter replied "way to go!"

But later on, I was able to snap the computer guru fixing my computer. It's been temperamental lately, and I can say that I've missed having her in town to show it who is boss!

Now, after the quick trip to NYC, I was able to get the son to sit (ore really stand) still long enough to snap a few pictures of the hats and scarf that I'd made for him. See? I got the hat done that I'd been working on during the breathing treatments.

This is the pattern from the Hat's On! book, and I'm thinking I could have gone down a size. He generally prefers the beanie style hats, but With all the snow they've had this year, I'm guessing from time to time the cuffed up hat would come in handy on the worst of the days.

This is the 'Cathy's Beanies' pattern over <<----there. I like the way it hugs the base of his neck and goes down over his ears. Just what I was hoping for. It's so much easier to knit for someone that's close by, rather than mailing them 3,000 miles away!

Finally, the new Blustery Day Scarf per his request. He's got a different way to wear it, looped in half and threaded through the loop. It looks really good with his black wool coat. Kid cleans up well! Here I was thinking that it was going to be too late for him to get much use out of it this season-but right after I left, they were smacked with yet one more snow storm. So, this turned out better time wise than Dad's vest last year!

Speaking of snow, this was all I could find while in town. Several piles out at the mall parking lot. It was cold, and my ears were telling me there should have been much more! Thank goodness I know how to knit wool!

Two of my daughters have issues with their stomachs, but can surprisingly eat sushi without a problem. to sushi we went one night. This was the first time I'd had green tea ice cream! And you know, I liked it. Now, it's never going to replace chocolate-but it was the perfect cap for the dinner. Just the right touch.

Have you had the chance to see some of the magazines from the UK? This past month, they were giving away stitch markers. Now, I do make my own, and awhile back I was sent a great set, but well, I tend to loose them-like when the Blustery Day Scarf was 'lost'....we won't go there, but let's say, there's always a reason to have some extras hanging around!

And speaking of magazines, have you flipped through the current issue of Knitters? I first noticed this swatch that caught my eye. I thought it was a pocket, but I believe it's actually a swatch.

It goes to this tank top that really caught my eye...

I kept thinking..hmmmmmmm...that stitch is soooooooo familiar! Where have I seen it before?

Ya....look familiar? I THOUGHT so!

Now...everyone say HI Angela!
Angela started my new obsession with Malabrigo by sending me that skein of Azalea back over the holidays! Oh boy has she started something! She met me over near BU and we took the T over to Windsor Button where we are standing here in front of a whole rack of really yummy skeins of Malabrigo....etc... Now, I had been here last year when I spent Christmas with my daughter. However, let me just say, having a knitter take you there in person really makes a big difference! a) she's familiar with the good stuff they have and b) she's not going to roll her eyes and ask if she's got to go with you and c) she teaches you the T to get there, so you don't end up parking the rental car in the loading zone thus gaining a ticket as your 'take home' souvenir! Sadly I forgot to take pictures of the store, I was so excited about all the fun things to touch and see that I only get to read about on blogs and then Angela had to get back to work for the afternoon. *sigh* Thanks my Boston knitting friend! It was a blast and I can't wait to shop with you again! Can you believe, that her very first yarn she knit with was Malabrigo? Sheeshhhh...mine was something from the Woolworth basement wayyyyyyyyy long time ago!

So, what did I bring home? Well, I picked up some Happy Feet DK yarn and a pattern. I'm sooooooo determined to make a pair of FITTING socks for me goofy feet! And you know what? As of 2 nights ago, it looked like this:

And I'll tell you a actually fits! But I'll show you that later. But the top picture is more of what it looks like. It's much darker than the 3/4 ths sock. But oh, is this nice stuff to work with!

Now, check this one out. Have you seen this before? You can wear it as a scarf or...

knit it into a pair of socks! This is similar to the Flat Feet sock yarn that I've been reading about. This is called Happy Choices by Plymouth yarns. I was so intrigued by it, I had to bring it home. This will need much smaller needles than the size (US) 3 (3.25mm) needles that I'm using on the Happy Feet, so I'll work that up soon. But how cool was this idea? They have lots of different colorways to take care of your color preferences. I just couldn't leave without something so unique.

Before she left, Anglea gave me directions to head out on the T...

To go to Woolcott and Company! Oh man, another place I visited a year ago. Now, you need to know that this store is over in Cambridge, and if you're not careful, you might miss it. Wanna know how I know? ha! But, you'll be really glad you found this place if you get yourself over there.

You have to go down a couple of stairs but you will not regret it in the least!

Again, I forgot to take pictures inside, but I did get the outside shot this time! Sheessshhh...and here's one of the things that I found over there! In the new issues of the magazines, I kept noticing this hat. It's made out of a new yarn called Nuna. And is it ever soooooooooo soft! It's a merino/silk blend that's just oh so soft. I picked up some for both myself in the navy and the daughter in grey. I want to make mine first, since my daughter's size is smaller. I'm hoping that I'll only have to take out one of the lace repeats to make it fit her. Either way, this is a fabulous take home project! I should have taken a picture of their sample on their glass head, but again, I forgot. I get so excited around fabulous yarns I guess.

Here's a few other shots I got around town. After leaving Woolcott, I found myself at Harvard. I'm a dork, I'll say that first, but I just couldn't resist the chance to call my parents and say, "Hey Mom, you're daughter's at Harvard! But you never thought you'd ever hear me say that? Heck, I never thought those words would come out of my mouth. We'll just not tell anyone that I wasn't here for classes, but rather just walking through." Both my parents laughed with that one, while the kids just sorta groaned. Ahhhhh..youth. (did I really just repeat my Grandmother's line?)

Ok, that about sums up the rest of the trip. I also brought home two earaches that have had me tossed for a loop. I'm really getting tired of using up wool/yarn money to pay for medicines that I don't have insurance for. So, I'm outta here, I have some socks to knit! But I can't wait to go back! I love to see my kids, but it's also a fabulous town for knitters to shop in while the kids are off to work! So much to see and touch and so many choices! And then there's the book stores! I love being in a town that feels so 'readable'. I felt that way about Seattle, WA years ago, too. It's a great time! Try it! Oh, and try the Malabrigo...Anglea knows what she's talking about!


  1. Looks like you had a great trip! So glad you had some fun times with your kids and some good knitting too! (and no knitting projects disappeared on the plane this time!)

  2. I'm so glad about your socks! I can't wait to see! Oooo and I love green tea ice cream. Course I also love red bean ice cream, but most don't share my views on that one.

    Next trip, I hope I can join you for more than an hour on your knitting adventures :) Maybe I'll make you some Korean "sushi".

  3. Okay, I've decided that you really are a Hilton, and not telling us, with all the traveling that you do. I have no $ to travel and I think it's so great that I can travel through your blog.

    I have to ask this. When you are traveling, just how many bags do you take??? And don't include the bags you take filled with your kids stuff.

    So you like to please don't tell me that you can read and knit at the same time~~~~

    Glad you had a great time and no knitting was lost.

    Have a good weekend.


  4. I just left you a comment and now it's gone. Not waiting for approval, just plain gone.

    Anyhow as I said, you are really a Hilton huh, with all that traveling that you do. I love your blog because I have no $ to travel and I can travel through your pictures. I love it.

    Have to ask. How many bags do you take when you travel? Not including extras that you are taking for the kids? Just wondering.

    Have a great weekend.

