Thursday, April 16, 2009

checking in from the upstate areas...

I'm checking in for a bit. It's been fun and busy around here. Before I left for my daughter's for the holiday, I managed to finish another camo beanie (Cathy's Beanies, size medium) for one of the AC4C groups in April. It's going to go down to the Balboa Hospital for the hospice program.

Then, while trying to remember where in tarnation I put my sweater pattern and wool that I'd picked up back in Bay City I think a year or so ago, I started pulling out bags of yarn, etc... from two closets. You know how one thing leads to another? Yep...well, one of the things I came across was this 'Christmas scarf' that I'd started several years ago. It's on a pair of (US) 3's (3.25mm) needles using 3 skeins of Regia Nations sock yarn! I made one out of the Navy/Maize for my Auntie N before starting this one. But never had a deadline to finish this one. So I've pulled this out and have it sitting next to my chair as a 'fill in' project. I'd like to get it out of the yarntainer and free up the needles. But then again, I'm in no hurry.

In the mean time, while re-organizing all of the stuff, I went to bring some things out to 'organize' them and what did I find? The sweater stuff I'd been looking for since Christmastime already 'organized'! I tell you, this is why I should never organize things at home. I can't find a bloomin' thing that way!

Here's where the sweater is today. I started it while on the plane to Cincinnati before taking a nap. Then worked on it after getting to my daughter's apartment. It certainly makes for an easy conversational opener! The flight attendant saw my casting on and had to take a look. Turns out she's a knitter herself! Can you imagine-her kids are 'tired' of too many hand knitted socks! (I didn't dare tell her of my recent saga!) It was fun to tell her about Hobby Lobby and AC Moore (she'd never heard of them!) and watch her reaction to the sweater.

The particulars of this sweater-it's Rusic Wool in denim and the "Florence" sweater from Ella Rae book 7 the Queenland collection. I'm knitting it bottom up as one piece. So you'll notice the stitch markers to denote the sides of the sweater and the cable sections. I've made the 'edge' stitches in garter stitch to make the mattress stitching up of the side seams easy-peasy when the time comes. And now it's taking a 'nap' while I go back and catch up on a few other things. Once I'd found it, I couldn't resist getting it on the needles!

I've made more wine charms and stitch makers for the Easter holiday/Spring time with beads I picked up from AC Moore and Jo-Ann's in Syracuse/Fayetteville areas. Too cute? I just wish I could have found some little bunny charms! Trust me, they were no where to be found....

The night before Easter, after mulling over my daughter's request for a 'cute apron' to wear while serving her guests...I stitched this up. Now, had I been home with the sewing machine, it would probably have been done in about 20 minutes. HOWEVER, daughter doesn't have a sewing machine, so I had to hand stitch the whole thing! It's See & Sew pattern B4585. Again, I've changed that, too. I double layered it for a reversible apron. Little Easter eggs on one side, solid pink on the other. I used gros grain ribbon rather than fabric ties on the side and the top. I'll be adding the pockets at a later time. I took me freakin' forever to back stitch all the way around this puppy, and I'd rather stitch the pockets with the sewing machine, thankyouverymuch. The hole in my finger tip will agree with that executive decision!

Now, check out these patterns I was able to pick up yesterday, while out shopping with my friend Norma! remember her? She's the fastest crocheter I've ever seen! And after her medical issues, she's doing GREAT!'s such a blast to see a friend who is looking SOOOOOOOOOOO healthy! I was so excited about seeing her, and shopping for all things yarny and pattern'y'...I plum forgot to get pictures of us! She's a fabulous yarn shopping guide! And I can't wait to see her again! Ahhhhhh....friends who knit/crochet/sew and can talk such topics...are a lot of fun!

But, back to the picture. Check out the center pattern-it's written for preemie, newborn, and I think 3-6 months size! Really cute? ya! And my needles are itching to get one of those cast on. If I can get the big pink blanket finished soon, I'd really like to make one in the Preemie send to Balboa NICU with the AC4C projects. For now, I'm going to post this and get back to my needles. I'm so enjoying that Rustic Wool...but I'm making myself finish the other things first. We won't talk about the 10 skeins of Easter Egged colored cotton balls I'd picked up and started with dishcloths the other day as well....But hey, I need a way to stop talking to the daughter while she's writing her last papers of the semester!


  1. The apron turned out darling... and your daughter is adorable!

    Enjoy your knitting projects!

  2. I am eagerly awaiting "the big pink blanket". Just found out another friend is pregnant and if she has a girl, THAT will be the pattern I knit for her.

  3. Hi, this is my first time to post a comment. I started reading your blog several weeks ago. I love the King Cole Pattern that you referenced wanting to make in the preemie size. I would love to have that pattern also. The little bonnet is precious. I've never seen any King Cole patterns in my area. I know you bought yours at a local shop, but do you know any online shops (in the US) that sell these patterns.

  4. I love the little preemie sweater pattern. Where did you get it?

    I found your blog about a month ago when I was looking for new preemie blanket patterns. I've started using your quick basket weave baby blanket pattern for the blankets I knit and donate to our local NICU. It's a great pattern - it looks so much more complicated than it really is. I've made them in several different sizes.

  5. Hand stitched the apron????? That's crazy! And yet impressive.
