Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Mom's update

I just got fabulous news from Mom-The doctor said he only found a few cancer cells near the original area, so there will be no chemo this time-only radiation! She will see that Doctor on Friday, to set up her treatments.

Whew! And the bonus, I don't have to worry about her driving back and forth to the treatments on icy roads since this is 'summertime.' (and she can keep her hair-a big deal to her this go round) Happy 53rd Anniversary to them, today!

She went on to say she's " feeling much, much better" and "is very, very happy."

Ahhhhhhh..the power of prayer! Thank you all! She's feeling thankful for the prayers and phone calls from everyone, including the prayers said at church over the weekend.

Now, bring on the Wings!


  1. That is wonderful news!! I would have posted sooner but we have been out of town. I will be praying for you and your family.

  2. THANK YOU GOD for this wonderful news. I'll keep praying.


  3. What wonderful news! Will keep you and her in my thoughts and prayers.

  4. That's great news! I'll continue to keep her and your entire family in my thoughts and prayers.

  5. That is wonderful news! I'm so glad!
