Saturday, July 18, 2009

Bridal Shower Lace Kitchen Hanging Hand Towel

I bring you the long awaited companion to the Bridal Shower Lace Dishcloth!

Bridal Shower Lace Kitchen Hanging Hand Towel
© July 11, 2009 Cathy Waldie (corrected 4/13/10)

Lion cotton , 80 g, ~135 yards
(US) 5 (3.75mm)
(US) 7 (4.5 mm) needles

Size preblocked: 19" x 13”

C/O = Cast On
Sl 1 = Slip one stitch
Tog = together
Tbl= through back loop
PSSO= Pass Slipped Stitch Over
YO= Yarn Over
* * = repeat directions between *’s the number of times given
B/O = Bind Off

(US) 5 (3.75mm) needles, C/O 59 stitches
1-4) Knit 4 rows for lower border, slipping the first stitch

Switch to (US) 7 (4.5mm) needles

Begin pattern

5) Sl 1, K3, [ K3 *K2tog, YO, K5* 6 times; end last 10 sts: K2tog, YO, K4,] K4
6) Sl 1, K3, [P2, *P2tog tbl, YO, P1, YO, P2tog, P2 * 7 times;] end last 4 sts: K4
7) Sl 1, K3, [ K1, *K2tog, YO, K3, YO, Sl 1, K1 PSSO, *7 times: end last 5 sts: K1], K4
8) Sl 1, K3, [ P51,] K4
9) Sl 1, K3, [K1, *YO, Sl 1, K1, PSSO, K5* 7 times; end last 5 sts: K1,] K4
10) Sl 1, K3, [*P1, YO, P2tog, P2, P2tog tbl, YO* 7 times; end last 6 sts: P2], K4
11) Sl 1, K3, [*K3, YO, Sl 1, K1, PSSO, K2tog, YO* 7 times; end last 6 sts: K2], K4
12) Sl 1, K3, [ P51,] K4
13-68) Repeat Rows 5 – 12 for a total of 8 pattern repeats.

69-72) Knit across, slipping the first stitch of each row.

Begin decreases for the Towel Top

73) Sl 1, K7, *(Sl 1, K2tog, PSSO), K7* 4 times, end, (Sl 1, K2tog, PSSO) K8. (49 sts.)
74, 76, 78, 80, 82, 84) Knit (slipping the first stitch)
75) Sl 1, K6, *(Sl 1, K2tog, PSSO), K5* 4 times, last 10 sts: Sl 1, K2tog, PSSO), K7 (39 sts.)
77) Sl 1, K5, *(Sl 1, K2tog, PSSO), K3* 4 times, last 9 sts: (Sl 1 K2tog, PSSO), K6. (29 sts.)
79) Sl 1, K4, *(Sl 1, K2tog, PSSO), K1* 4 times, last 8 sts: (Sl 1, K2 tog, PSSO), K5. (19 sts)
81) Sl 1, K2, (K2tog) 3 times, K1, (K2tog) 3 times, K3 (13 sts.)
83) (K2tog) 3 times, K1, (K2tog) 3 times. (7 sts.)

Tab Section of Towel Top

85) Knit, slipping the first stitch
86) Sl 1, K1, P3, K2.
87-101) repeat rows 85 and 86 of the tab section.
102) Knit, slipping the first stitch
103) Sl 1, K1, P3, K2
104-119) repeat rows 102 and 103 of the tab section
120) Sl 1, K1, Bind off center 3 sts, K to end (4 sts) (creates buttonhole)
121) Sl 1, Kfb next st, Kfb next st, K1 (6 sts)
122) K2 tog, K2tog, K2tog (3 sts)
123) Knit 1, K2tog, pass first stitch over. Pull tail through last stitch.

Weave in ends, wet/spray/steam block. Sew button into center stitches on tab decrease row #84.


  1. Ohhh, is this ever pretty! It would be nice for a bridal shower!
    Karen L.

  2. I am going to try to make this :)
    Thanks for sharing!
