Tuesday, August 11, 2009

2:34 am - finished

Daughter's plane leaves at noon today, and at 2:34 am, the last thread was tucked in and snipped. I had to wait until now to get pictures. But, I made it!

Wonderful Wallaby - W03, Cottage Creations
Child's size 4
I Love This Yarn! Grape, 1.41 skeins, ~504 yards
~3 days worth of knitting...give or take a few moments here and there.

Yes, I'll make this again..over and over!


  1. It's so addictive and so beautiful. Will you make them for the whole family?

  2. I'm thinking of making one for me, and the youngest daughter is interested...we'll see what the rest have to say. This little one is for a new 2 year old, that is already wearing a size 3...and she's an only child. So, I guess you could say I did that whole family...ahaha...sorta, if you don't count her parents.
    You certainly spiked an interest.

  3. Your work is absolutely beautiful. Wish I could knit that well--I keep trying, but I see crooked stitches and the like in my work.

  4. Thank you, thank you my fellow AC4C member! Now, please remember that I have a good 40+ years of practice in...and I also have a habit of using yarns that generally make me look good-meaning they will even out stitches for you. Have you tried blocking or changing needle size? Both of those tricks make you look good by 'fixing' a lot of stuff!

    Thanks for taking the time to write a note!

    Happy knitting...and lots of other stuff!

  5. Stunning color and work...I love that pattern, you did a beautiful job.

  6. Thank you very much! The Momma of this little girl, loves her purple! So I'm hoping she likes this color/sweater just as much.

    happy knitting!

  7. Kathy,
    What brand of yarn did you fine the
    grape color in. This would be lovely for my very blond gdaughter.
    Could you please email me? nwornamentalgardens@verizon.com

  8. This is just beautiful. What a luckly little girl. I love that bright purple, Hobby Lobby yarn is great to knit with. I fell in love with the Wallaby a few years ago, I have 3 of them myself and have knitted several as gifts.
