Sunday, August 9, 2009

Wow, this is fast...

I can't believe how fast a knit this is! I started this late Friday night, and didn't spend too much time yesterday working on it. Then, a little bit last night and a little bit more today and see how far I am? I'm about to attach the sleeves to the body and begin the yoke. With luck, that will be finished tonight, the hood tomorrow, and daughter can pack it to take with her on Tuesday.

The count down for her return to NY is upon us. I hate that part. However, as I told her last night, she can't finish up there, if she doesn't go back. I'm praying that her next 2 semesters go as fast for her, as this little size 4 purple Wallaby has been for me!

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it a great little pattern? I better get working on the rest of the batch I have planned for Christmas gifts for all the nieces and nephews. I love the color you chose. It's adorable. That's some lucky recipient!
