Friday, August 28, 2009

Why, Why not, and Why, Why, Why????


..are there doors...

and...look closer.....

with doorknobs on them up so high?

Why Not?
...use your hooded sweatshirt.. hold your yarn while you're knitting and crocheting so it won't fall on the ground..
(I tuck the sleeves around my waist and lean on them against the back of my chair, creating a bit of a cushion for the small of my back.)

and the biggest of all...

Why, Why, WHY???


  1. If the doors were any lower your twenty something kidz would be able to get back in after college.
    They have to move the street so the steps don't land in the middle of them.

  2. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh now I understand...hahaha...thanks!

  3. Looks like someone forgot to budget for new stairs!! Oh well, at least they don't have to worry about door to door salesman!

  4. I saw the word "arson" mentioned on my MSN homepage last night. So sad and senseless!

  5. Yes, arson, with 2 firefighters dead. So, add homicide to that list when they figure out who set the fire. What a complete waste! I really hate the 'fire' season out here.
