Saturday, September 5, 2009

Regardless of the temperature...

Or the date on the calendar....
Kids around here seem to think it's time for FALL!
... Saturday Football...

and after game hugs...

But to me, it nearly feels...

like Christmas!

(US) 5 (3.75mm) tips came for my Addi Click needle sets....

Books that have been on pre-order and back order, have come in this week! Alice Starmore's Book of Fair Isle Knitting, Elizabeth Zimmermann's A-B-C SJ from Schoolhouse press #5, Kyler's Kardigan from Cottage Creations (thanks to Major Knitter's 'obsession' with knitting more sweaters that she had time for...ahahaha..)and another Sirdar pattern book for babies- Little Stars in Stripes.....

The August Dishcloth swap from Ravelry's Dishcloths R Us arrived from Barb in Florida...

aren't they pretty! Such yummy colors, makes me want some swirled ice cream every time I look at them! But the patterns are really neat, too. Isn't it fun to get something that's been knitted - just for you? After all the things I've knit for others, it's rare, without being in a swap, I get presents knitted for me.

And then...from Canada, my good friend Norma found the King Cole pattern I could find here for me! And then send me the latest Creative Knitting Magazine, too! What a great surprise!

and now that I've had the cyst drained yesterday...

I can finish the baby blanket and...

...the baby hats I started at the game today, so I can get the rest of the to-do list finished.

After all, I have a lot of new ideas ready to burst forth after opening all those packages!

In the meantime, I got my 'regular' flu shot today...when are you getting yours?

Did you know you can now order the downloadable copy of the calendar as of today? is where you need to head if you don't have a copy ordered yet! I don't have mine yet, in hand, and I just KNOW my to-do list is going to get even longer when it arrives!

1 comment:

  1. Good news about your cyst removal. Hopefully it's gone forever!
    No flu shot for me yet, but I do have a yearly physical scheduled for next week and I'll have to see if they have any vaccine in stock and maybe I can get it then.
