Thursday, December 3, 2009

Still playing catchup!

Still playing catch up know, sometimes when you start baking/cooking, just like heading through the buffet line, your eyes get a bit bigger than your stomach! Well, going back to the NY trip, I had picked so many things to do there, that I just didn't have time for every thing that I wanted to do, including blogging. So, here are some more pictures and updates from the recent past. AND if the computer will remain connected to the Internet, I'll be able to finally post these for your reading pleasure...
Let's see...there was cake...

and cake...

and cake...

and chicken enchiladas...

and yet, still more cake...thanks to the youngest daughter's pick of 'numbers'...

my birthday was celebrated by the kids doing the cooking! Got to love having kids who can cook! (sadly I missed the picture of the beef stew the middle daughter made-for me!)

And what cook, doesn't deserve a kiss?

Or goofy grins for the 'correct' numbers?

Then, Thanksgiving came, and there was more cooking...

and our 'entertainment' was compliments of Big Brother teaching Little Brother how to play Guitar hero against...

Youngest sister...

And for Mom's birthday, I copied one of her reversible aprons with Charlie Brown and the gang's Christmas fabrics...

with the other side in Red and White stripes. You can't see it well, but both sides have pockets on them. Not too shabby for copying an apron Mom's already got hanging in her pantry!

Somewhere in the middle of all of this, I was still knitting. A couple of weeks ago, while at Alamitos Bay Yarn Company, I picked up a pattern for a BSJ that fits on a bottle of beer. I thought I'd use Dale of Norway's Baby Ull, and shrink it down farther to make an ornament for the Christmas tree! I added the attached I-cord, and clearly have some more tinkering to do with this. I'm not thrilled with how my neckline came out. But as I did with my first BSJ, I knit it up in a solid yarn. Now I can go back and add stripes where I know they'll turn out. The neckline needs some attention, too. Can you see these made up for friends and family in colors to match hockey jerseys? Like I've done for the baby sweaters? Too cute for the sports minded in your family and gift list? I can't wait for more time on 'my plate' to really play with this pattern. But, can you see how little it turned out? It's got a 3 inch measurement across the 'chest' area to give you an idea next to my lens cap.

Next up, I'm making some hats for quick last minute Christmas gifts for my brothers. I have one done in Navy and Burnt Orange Paton's Classic Wool, (US) 6 (4.0mm) needles using the Mushroom cap pattern from Morehouse, you can find the pattern here:

My middle daughter found these for my Birthday! They may quite possibly be the perfect blend of Raspberry and Milk Chocolate flavors, in my book! (Most put dark chocolate with raspberry...) I'm not sure if she needs to receive my undying love for this, or the responsibility for buying me some more workout gear...ahahahaha...But OH BABY I love 'em!

Yesterday, I started the annual Christmas cookie baking mess...errrr...process..Peanut Butter Blossoms! (Recipe over <----there).

Today, it's my goal to finish this baby blanket and make Swedish Cream Wafers (also over <----). We'll see how far I get! After all...I want a particular box in the mail by Saturday! And I've got a bit more knitting to finish before that can happen!

Happy knitting/crocheting/baking!


  1. So many pics - so little space to comment on everything! Looks like a wonderful time was had by all. Adore the EZ mini sweater. Yum - PB cookies with kisses. Fun. Fun. Fun.

  2. Wow! Busy You!!!! and Happy Happy Birthday too! Enjoy all the family fun and the big 5-0!!!!
    (I hope you received more yarn for your celebration!)

  3. what a cute tiny BSJ !
    Lots of good cooks in your family !

  4. I've enjoyed reading your blog so much! We have a lot in common as I will be 50 (gasp!) in April and I've knitted seven mens hats for Christmas! And one more thing... your baby blanket, are you ready? My mom knit that same blanket including the rainbow colors for one of my sons 23 years ago! Now tell me, how coincidental is all that?

  5. Sue, hmmmm...great minds think alike? The crocheted blanket is a Lion Brand pattern, that I've used a smaller hook for to make it baby sized. I like the colored stripes for babies, and then I transfered that over to the knitted version, with the ever so popular Feather and Fan pattern. Rainbow stripes on baby things have been around for a long time. Now, just to keep the yarn companies making all the colors, is the trick!
