Monday, February 1, 2010

While you were knitting...

I had a quick Christmas with the kids...

Saw sunrise from the Detroit Airport...

Ate ice cream with Mom at the mall...

went to Michigan with out my hat and started to make Norwegian Start hat for the 3rd time...

Received some venison!

Ate a whole lot of this yummy stuff...

Knit a Christmas colored kitchen set for a very special caregiver...

made another hat in the right colors this time..

said Goodbye to a very special Auntie...who taught me to knit when I was 7 years old with these needles...

Apparently grew much shorter standing next to my niece...

Finished my hat

which looked like this because I apparently had been skipping a whole paragraph of directions on the 2 previous run throughs of this pattern...(amazing how things fit when you read and follow all of the directions-sometimes you find you didn't need such a hu-moungous size!

Shoveled a whole lot of snow...which was covered up..and shoveled lots more...yep, that was a 6"ruler buried in there the night before I left...

fixed Mom's apron.

Watched a HUGE snow plow do it's thing..

Started a scarf to wear in Michigan but worked on it while waiting for the plane to leave Michigan...because I went to Michigan and didn't bring my hat or my scarf...

hung out at the beach with my daughter and the baker's helper prior to the big rain storm of 2010 while we could...

taught the 7 year old, baker's helper to knit so he could help make his scarf for his homework...

got nailed by a whole lot of rain around town..and down the backyard...

yep..a whole lot of rain...

finished the scarf back in California...

after multiple attempts, got all 4 kids to stand together semi-politely for a moment to snap their picture...

before starting on another Wallaby sweater when the baker's helper asked every so shyly how long it would take for me knit him a sweater and taking it on the plane..

to fly back to Michigan this morning while Dad is having some more testing done this week...


  1. Great to see you back. You've been one busy lady. Love the Irish Hiking scarf...I just finishe it in a cowl.
    Have a good time in Michigan.

  2. Cathy - what a wonderful post - filled with all things family: happy, sad, funny, knitting, food. Love the comment about the wallaby. So... when is Baker's Helper going to get his own sweater?

  3. Yay... it's good to hear from you again! Enjoyed the pictures and your projects... Where did you get the pattern for the Norwegian hat? It is soooo lovely and I like the design very much!

  4. Wow, it's no wonder you haven't been blogging. Glad you're back and sharing your knitting with us.
    I'm sending good thoughts for your Dad's med tests.

  5. I love the Wallaby Sweater! So cute! Is the pattern available?

  6. I have to agree with "Anonymous" The Norweigan hat is gorgeous. The blue scarf with cables looks so warm! Can you advise on where I can go about the hat or the scarf? What yarn did you use?
    Good to see you bloggin' again!

  7. So glad to hear all is well and you
    are back!

  8. I am amazed that you managed to knit all of that in one month!!! I wish I could knit that much. I'm currently trying to teach my nine year son to knit. It is nice to read about boys learning to knit.

  9. Really enjoying your blog. Your family times sound like a blast.

  10. I think your hat is just lovely! The scarf looks so soft and the cabling is beautiful! Your family is extraordinary! To get all 4 in a photo-- I hope one day I am so lucky! I hope your dad's tests have come back and everything is okay.
