Friday, July 9, 2010

Do you know what this is?

This is the 'face' of aericept working for my Mom! She crocheted today for the first time in years! Thank you aericept and her doctor for putting her on it 2 weeks ago! I can't tell you how excited it makes me to see this!


  1. I am so proud to see your mom with some kind of craft project... This "A" word is no fun but we can't give up! I am anxious to see what she will be making!

  2. This wonderful for both you & your mom. I know how you feel. My mom was the one who taught me how to knit when I was a child.

    She 89 yrs. old now, she wants to knit, but all she does is start & rip out, start & rip out. Yes, she has a mild case of Alzheimer's, so I guess this is what is going on with her & why can't get back into her knitting like she used to. Because of other health issues, she can't take aericert. But, we appreciate every day that we have with each other.

  3. This is similar to my feelings for my mil. I haven't gotten up to Seattle area to be able to see her & see for myself, but it seems when her younger son & her daughter moved her out of her place, they decided to get rid of all her craft things. She has dementia & her daughter told me that it looked painful for her the last time she saw her knit. But I don't believe she realizes that for a knitter or crocheter (Mom also crocheted) that to not have it available is bad also. Even if she never completes anything & just makes a big mess, she should be able to do it, if she wants! I really want to try to find the time to fly up to see her & take her some things, but I am going to have to do it in person to make sure it gets to her & so far I have bought the tickets so my dh can see his mother instead of me.

  4. I am so happy for you and your family that the Aricept is working! I had to lobby to get my Dad on it (his Dr. said he had never had it work for any other patient) and after much research and learning that it can take up to 6 months to see real progress I insisted he have it. It worked wonders for him! We had many more years of more GOOD days than bad once it did start working. My only regret is that we didn't start earlier!

  5. That is fabulous to see results so quickly my mil never had any positive results with aricept but I think it was too late by the time we got her on it. She loved to sing show tunes. She was a wonderful woman and I miss her terribly. She lost her battle with dementia a few years ago. Hang in there, I've heard if a person shows positive results it will keep them at that point alot longer than with out the drug.
