Monday, August 9, 2010

I just might be in love again....

Wait, let me back that up a bit. Don't you hate it when you get out your pattern and your yarn, and then can't find the needles you need to knit it up? I've looked high and low, I can find the package for the 2.75mm double points that I just finished my socks with. But I can't find them anywhere! It's making me downright grumpy, I tell ya.

I want to knit up Island Fudge socks in the Wildfoote Lullaby for my Mom. And I can't find my blasted needles anywhere! When I was home with Mom recently, I found this yarn in two stores, actually. So now I have four skeins of it. Ya, brain cells not connecting at some point, I tell ya. Anyway, Mom's been partial to her yellow slacks and yellow top with the light houses on it. This color is a perfect match. Now that I've finally figured out the feel of making socks, I want to make her some with cables. Going through all the sock patterns that I've got marked over in Ravelry, I came up to this one that I'd purchased last year, and I think it's perfect for Mom! Not only is it named after the Murdick's Fudge Shop (where I worked the summer of 1979), it's got cables that Mom loves, and being a part of her 'Michiganisms' group of patterns, what would be better for a Mom in Michigan, than a pair of socks from a 'Michigan' pattern, knit with sock yarn that I bought in Michigan, knit from a Michigan hearted daughter? eh?

It all works out well, until you can't find the blasted needles you just finished a pair of socks with a couple of weeks ago. What's a knitter to do??????????????

*ahem* you go shopping. And you fall in love with a new pair of needles. May I introduce you to....

Lantern Moon's Sox Stix, 5" in Rosewood, size 2.75mm.

OOOOOOOOOOOh, baby! Yes, I think we'll have a very long lasting relationship. They come in a pretty sack with six, yes Six! double points!

Well, that is if I can keep track of where they go when I'm done with this pattern. See how fast they knit up last night? I love these as much as I love my Addi's. And y'all know how much I love my Addi's!


  1. That happens to me on a regular basis. The worst part? I generally find the needles right where I left them. Imagine that. But then, who am I to argue with a perfectly good excuse to buy a new set of needles....

    Love the socks. Have fun with the new needles.

  2. I've always wondered about those needles. They're terribly spendy, but having 6 needles is a plus.

    Other than my Addi clicks, I'm a Brittany Girl all the way! They slide in hot, humid weather. Does the rosewood????

  3. I have lost my 4.5m needles, are they with yours LOL

  4. Love the sock pattern and went to download it right away. I'm not a yellow person, but I if I do have anything yellow, it's a light yellow like your yarn. I know the "missing needle syndrome" well. They'll turn up in some strange place, some day!

  5. Jennifer, I swear at times we were separated at birth! Now, if only I could remember where I left them-I could knit both socks at once! Or, when I get more fun money...get another pair of these...oh baby, they're fabulous!

    Oh, Little Ol' Liz, yes, yes and yes! You have got to get your hands on a pair and see how they feel!

    Vicki, hahaha..I have about 12 pair of the old boye circular needles here in the 4.5mm size...I'm certain if that's the kind you have, they jumped into the 'never going to use them again' pile. If not...hmmmmm...well, come on over and we'll search until you find 'em or we just go pick up another pair for you. ahahaha...

    knitterbeader, I'm not a yellow person, either...nor am I a turquoise person..but Mom loves both those colors. In fact, I generally dislike turquoise-but with the amount I've knit up for Mom, you can tell it's purely a labor of love. It was really great to figure out I could make her something without using Turquoise!

  6. I haven't tried those needles yet, but they look lovely. The pattern looks great, too. I'm always misplacing my needles, too.

  7. Speaking of socks, I thought you would enjoy this link...

    Try it and there are a lot of free sock patterns... Good luck!
