Monday, August 2, 2010

Raise your hand if....

You're like me, have 2 sets of Addi clicks, plus an additional set of cables...

And every single one of those cables now has a project on it. So technically, you can't start anything more unless you want to go back to other needles without the new blue cables. Right?

Today's newest, another NMCRS Basketweave Baby Blanket, ver. 2 My brother called last week to say that his step daughter was having a girl in September. Rats, sorta. I mean, I had another blue blanket all set to go! This is not the first time I thought I was smart and had a blanket ready to go, and found out I'd guessed wrong. Oh boy! wait. I meant...oh girl!


  1. Cathy!!!
    What about these 4 lbs. of cotton yarns you found? Is that project going to sit and wait? Guess you need to be strictly enforced with wooden spoon!! :-) I'm kidding! They all look so pretty!

  2. I know! I know! I'm an ADD Knitter.

    Hello, my name is Cathy, and I'm an ADD Knitter. But I'm not ashamed. :D

    Oh, but the cotton isn't just sitting...well, maybe for a few days, but I got into it pretty well on Saturday!

  3. I bought Adi's because of you! I did not know what they were! I Love them! Your my hero with all the knitting you do! Your NMCRS blanet it my favorite!

  4. Awww..thanks! So glad you like them and the blanket pattern. I should get back to work on the pink one I'm working on, too...however, I'm on my way to pick up more needles. ;-)
