Saturday, October 16, 2010

It's mid PINK month!

It's Mid PINK's your pink knitting coming along? Here's a little something I knit up the other day. Now...look closer...
 Check out the needles!
They're ChiaoGoo's in (US)7 (4.5mm) that I picked up from Yarns Unlimited on Pico Blvd in Santa Monica, CA the other day. I had gone on an 'Educational Field Trip for Moms' (aka teasing the duaghter's day) with
my friend Cyndi. Everyone, raise your knitting needles to her and wave hello! Not only is she a great friend, but are you ready for this? Mid July she was asking if I could help her learn to knit and she's (sit down for this) already knitting socks! And hats, and baby sweaters, and my favorite question from her went like this. 'Is it OK to buy yarn just because you like it?" followed up by "Can I just lay down in it" when viewing a picture of a stash of yarn. She is fearless! Every needs a friend who happens to knit who will jump in a car with you at a moment's notice to go check out new to her yarn stores, and then 'swing over' to Westwood where we proceeded to send pictures of Diddy Riese to our daughters who aren't able to get there at a moment's notice!
 Yes, we laughed and giggled our way into being bad Mothers for mercilessly tormenting our children over  
 white chocolate chip and Sugar and Cinnamon cookies after being at
 Jerry's Deli where I had...
 a reuben (mine was minus the sauerkraut!) and also sent cell phone pictures to my daughter. Yes, I am a bad Mommy. ;-)
While we were bouncing around the stores up here, I found these at Wildfiber. They're called DP Wip Tubes by Nancy's Knit Knacks. (click on knitting and needle tool links) Exactly what I needed in my knitting bag! They're cardboard tubes that will
fit around your double point needles.
And protect your knitting bag from being poked by the needles.
You just slip the blue side over your needles and the red section
over the top of the blue tube until they're a snuggle fit around your stitches! Easy as pie-right? The blue and yellow tube is for storing your double points that you're not using in your bag, too. Sadly they only had the one set on hand, but I'd love to get a couple of more. After all, how many projects do YOU have on your needles at once? Ya, that's what I thought. Me, too!

So, on that note, I'm off to figure out how to get the house cleaned, the kids hugged, and the socks finished while Cyndi and I decide where we're going to go today and tease our daughters via cell phone pictures. What ever did we do prior to having cell phones with picture capabilities? Oh ya, that's right, we drove in circles after school hours putting 300+ miles on our cars taking kids to soccer, baseball, softball, dance, church, band practices every week! Eish,...just thinking about it makes me tired all over again!


  1. You are, I admit with great envy, Living The Dream! With two kids at home knee deep in middle school/high school drama, it's nice to hear that Some Moms actually make it out alive. Live on, and let us live vicariously through you.

  2. OOOOOO Dear Liz, you too shall survive this. Just remember, after they leave the house, and move 3,000 miles away, the house gets reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy quiet at times.

  3. Oh what a great post! You're right, everyone should have a friend like you a moment's notice they'll go to the yarn store with you. Know where I can find one?

    My niece did the same thing. Learned to knit just before her 40th birthday and took off running. She was knitting socks on DPs & baby sweaters within 6-mons. of learning to cast on!

  4. Love those Finding a Cure needles..awesome. Someday I'll find some of those DPN needle covers they are just too cool for when your project is in your purse.

  5. Sue,
    The link to their web site is in the posting, maybe you can ask your store to carry them? Or order directly from them.

  6. Instead of DPN tubes, I just bought a couple of stitch hoodies from Diana Couture. Only $5 each and they come in some pretty fabrics.

  7. Those are pretty, but with them made of fabric, are they sturdy at all? That's what I liked about the tubes, so that when I sit on my bag (yes, it happens..I'm a klutz...) they will to some degree protect the needles as well. My fear with wooden needles is what will happen when they snap, or how to avoid breakage.
