Saturday, October 30, 2010

Oh, yea!

OH, yea, we're getting there...I'm down to 7.5 sts/inch at this point...And they're fitting a whole lot better...
 but still not as 'snug' as I would like them to be. So I'm on a hunt for some lantern moon size 1's. With all six needles in the package. That seems to be up for debate these days. According to the company the 5" needles of that size should have six in the package...but two stores in this area only had five. Makes you wonder-huh?
These, though have a gazillion mistakes in the lace ribbing. I know. and for the first time in a long time, I don't care.  This is proof that you shouldn't try to count when you're really tired. Eh? oh well...I'ma going to wear the tar out of them!
Since I still have my Mom's socks here, I couldn't resist the comparison shot. Or you could think of it as showing off two pairs knit in Wildfoote. Are you buying that one? hehe..
Here are the particulars of the socks that I used. From the Little Box of Socks, Wildfoote yarn, and Crystal Palace needles in size 1 1/2 (2.5mm), knitting them two at a time on double points. The yarn you see here, is what was left over from knitting my funky feet shaped socks. The sock it to me chart is very helpful, but I'm liking the way socks feet a little tighter and shorter than the charts and pattern say for my 'sized' feet.

This is what I had hoped to learn, how to knit socks to fit the way I want them to feel. I can do it with hats, but then again, I've knit up a good 500 or so of them over time. Can you imagine knitting up 500 pairs of socks?

I'm game. Bring it on!


  1. Loving those socks! Great job! They're beautiful. I have the Little Box of Socks, what pattern is this?

    Last year, I bought a Crystal Palace bamboo Circular needle. Size 3 for knitting socks via magic loop method. Socks were loose fitting. I measured the needles recently & they measure a size 4, so I don't know it's CP's sizing or if the bamboo swelled from humidity, but I'm finding that there's a lot of inconsistency with needle sizes from manufacturer to manufacturer. Something to keep in mind.

  2. Deb, if you click on the picture, you can see the pattern from the little box of sox that I used. Lace rib, I think. It's card #1 in the box. Only theirs is red. I prefer blue.

    I had a pair of needles from another manufacturer that was way off, too. So I check them always against my addi turbo needle sizer. Can't miss with the German persision I say!

    Why can't we made these things here in the States? Oh, how I wish we'd bring back the jobs here!

  3. Love the socks and the color. I have been bitten by the sock bug too..they are so addicting and comfy too. Right now I'm finding that knitting Paraphernalia socks and really enjoying them.
    I wrote out the chart in excel with boxes to check off each row as I complete it, then when I'm tired I know where I am. I want to get some knit picks 5" metal DPNs..right now I'm working with bamboo ones and I really prefer metal when I'm working with such a small needle..I've already broken one.
    I enjoy sharing your knitting adventures.

  4. I understand the issue with breakage, which is why I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Lantern Moon's, they just FEEL stronger! Metal ones, just seem to end up under the bleachers when I'm sitting at the top, if you know what I mean..they fly right out of the knitting on me.

  5. Where did the idea for the BU scarf come from? I got it in the 2011 Knitting Calendar, and being a graduate of BU and a former professor at BU, I wondered how this scarf got that name??? Since I did a lot of knitting while a student at BU, I am wondering if you came up with this pattern at BU. Would love to know more about its origin and history. . .

  6. Joyce, thanks for asking. My youngest daughter used to go to school there and she got cold when the noreasters came calling her way. That's the short answer. ;-) I figured a scarf knit in the round with cables would be extra warm knit in wool that she could wind around her a couple of times. The orginal scarf was knit in brown. The one in the calendar was a 'reknit' for the oldest daughter when she moved to Syracuse and learned about living in winters up there, too.
