Sunday, November 7, 2010

I wore the BD sweater on Saturday because...

 daughter's friends don't want her to leave...
 we got our hair done...
 drank some hot cider...
 picked some apples to buy..
 and some apple fritters!
 just look at the size!
 oh baby! they are good!
 went to dinner
 had some bar-b-que
 with a great group of 'kids'...
 and family...
 after a little bit of shopping...
and cake!

Why did I wear the BD Sweater? Because on top of everything else, it was my birthday!


  1. Cathy:
    It looks like you had a great birthday! You and I have something in common...My birthday is today! The apple fritters look so good! Happy Birthday to you and many more!

  2. Happy Birthday! Looks like a fantastic weekend.

  3. Happy Birthday Cathy!

    looks like a great time was had by all! The apples look delicious. Great sweater, too. Did you knit it?

  4. Thank you very much! IT was and the adventure continues...

  5. Thanks Debbie, Happy Birthday to you, too! Scorpios!
