Sunday, December 11, 2011


Don't you hate when that happens?
 I am not impressed with the 'featherlight' type of Lantern Moon double points. I adore the ebony and the rosewood kinds, and I've used them a whole lot without a single one of them breaking. I've only had the featherlight ones for about 2 weeks. I'm not amused. I'm going back to the ebony and the rosewoods. Those I 'heart' as much as my addis.

So, until next time! May your needles stay sharp and not snap!


  1. Oh snap! I like my Brittany Birch dpns - there are so many in a package that if you lose one, you just grab another. I've only had a few break (when I sat on them).

  2. Have you tried the Lantern Moon Sox Sticks? I really like the Ebony and the Rosewood types. In the 5" sizes, of 0, 1, 2's, they also come in sets of 6 needles. I've had them for quite awhile, and not broken one of those. The featherweights are the ones I'm not fond of. I've got several of the birches, too. I think the Lantern Moons feel like you've got something special in your hands. And I'm worth it! hahahaha.....Yep my story. I'm sticking to it.

  3. the heck with the needles I wanna know how you managed to snag that kitchen aid mixer for that priceeeeeeee;

  4. I fear that happening with mine. I'm using size 4 joanns bamboo needles and I guess my grip is too strong. they are curved now.

