Tuesday, September 4, 2012

No big surprise here...

Ok, so no big surprise that I didn't get the sweater done before the end of the games. HOWEVER, I did get a whole lot done. It's in sitting aside, again. But I'm in the middle of the sleeves. Progress, true?

On the other hand, I have

 A new pair of socks...
Another NMCRS Basketweave Baby Blanket
Started a baby sweater to Knit along with my friend Patty, but I didn't like the way this one felt, so it's been torn apart...
And I'll restart it in Wool-ease as soon as....
This blanket gets delivered...and yes, it's been mailed already...
With a pair of sockies, in lavendar and white trim....

I finish these socks. Aren't they cute? Look familiar? I made a pair in yellow for Mom back here. I'm thinking they're going to go well with her sweater. I'm thinking they'll be her Christmas socks. And I'd like to make a pair for me, too! The yellow ones were actually a bit big on her. I made them early on in my 'sock knitting' career and wasn't paying attention to the gauge that I was knitting. So, this time I'm making them with a (US) 1 needle, using 2 circs at a time. So far, I'ma liking it!

Sooooooo, let me ask you-how many things have you started lately? I seem to have the bug to start a gazillion and one projects asap. With luck I'll finish a few of them just a quickly. 

At least that's the theory I'm working on right now. 

Gotta go! Got socks to finish.


  1. Wow! That's a whole lotta knitting going on! Love absolutely everything. It's hard to pick a favorite. They're all winners.

  2. I have been working on socks for Christmas for 5 grandkids - 1 pair is finished, another nearly there, 3rd on the needles. Three shawls - 1 finished, 2 in the works, 1 of those is actually from last summer but due to issues with my hand, I had to put it away for a while. So now trying to get both finished for Christmas. So what did I do - I started & have nearly finished a Tuck Away Tote for myself in crochet.

    BTW - beautiful projects!

  3. Looks like you've been really busy. Socks are adorable.
