Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Some good news....

There is an awful lot going on around here these days, and most of it I can't share. Please forgive me, but no I have not forgotten you all as some have written. My Momma told me, if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all. However....there is one little thing to share that is good news!
Tonight via face time and a balloon reveal from what feels to be half way around the world....These two are going to be parents of a darling little boy! For now, he's to be referred to as, "Duckie" I am told. Oh how I hate not being there with them. Miss them and all my kids with all my heart!


  1. Woot! Glad to see you back online. If you can't share, that's ok as long as you are ok! Congratulations Grandma to be... Knitting all the baby stuff and blue?? So happy for you, Cathy!!
    Take Care!


  2. I have really missed your blogs. Congrats to get. Get that knitting done, but don't forget to keep us informed as to how things are going.

  3. Hey Cathy... Sooooo happy to see you back on blogging! Anxious to hear about your knitting and what you will be knitting for your upcoming grandson! So happy for you! We love your blogging!

  4. Have been thinking about you and glad to see you back. I've missed you blogging too!
