Saturday, May 24, 2014

Guess who has a new address?

 After one day short of nine months, Mom has come home to live at my new house! It's been a very long process, and she has gone through some very unpleasant experiences, but she is now HOME!
 In a few short days, she's getting the shower and shampoo treatments she deserves, we've worked on puzzles together,
 Started a great new breakfast buddy relationship with some beautiful robins and their friends who have welcomed her home every morning.
 While she points out all the weeds that she wants me to pull,  ;-)
Started a new collection of pine-cones from our own back yard, as she's relearning to trust and participate in every day tasks. She has a very long way to go! But we couldn't be happier!
And yes, I have had the opportunity to go for a short visit to meet two very important little men in my life. We've been through some very hard and difficult days, but today, it's a great day!
 Once things find their flow for a new routine for us, I can't wait to get back to working on a special yellow, cabled sweater for my best knitting fan, who will never again wear it in the room she was in when I took that picture.

(For those who have sent messages and inquiries, please understand I have never forgotten about you readers and followers of this blog. However, sometimes, things are out of our control that strange as it may seem at times, are far more important than knitting. Thanks for sticking around and asking me to come back. I really hadn't left, I just had a very special lady to concentrate on. She's now in her new home with me and we shall celebrate that event for the rest of our lives! Knitting has restarted again, and with a little luck, lots of prayers, and more unpacking...we can resume all things vital and important around here. Thanks for your care, concern and support!)


  1. So glad you are back, I check all the time to see if you are back, but also know that be caregiver is important and not an easy task in the best of circumstances. Congratulations on the new home, you Mom looks very happy.


  2. Have not stopped checking on you and yours, never give up on a good friend. Will continue to pray for you and yours. Spend all the time you can with Mom they are gone so very soon. Congrats on the babies catch me I have 8 grands and they are truly grands. Love to you
    Mary P, Molino, Fl

  3. Great to see you back and posting again.
    Nice to see your Mom is looking so well.
    All's right with the world now that you have met those two little grandsons.

  4. Bless her !
    my mom lived with us a while. I wouldn't give back one of those days for anything.
    except I would sit with her more. I had so much to do with her & for her , nurses coming and all. I wish now I had just SAT still with her !
    so enjoy your time & remember to SIT still & talk......... life is prescious .

  5. Cathy!
    I am so glad you are back! We folks do understand you have some important commitment to make or keep but we definitely missed ya! Hopefully you guys are settled in CA and enjoying new home and all that... Hope to see you posting more when you can. Take care!

  6. Thank you, Cathy, for taking care of your Mom, you will both be blessed!!
