Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Jackie, daughter, sister, Mom, Grandma, Great Grandma, friend.

March 13, 2016 at 10:53am, my Mom took her last Earthly breath and began Life Eternal as I held her and named all her babies. She fought hard to stay with us for as long as she could. But alas it was time for this chapter of this Mother/Daughter/Granddaughter Adventure to close and for my Dad to have his Sweetheart back as she carried through her recent promise to 'be there in two days'. "Me, too!" has joined not only 'that very attractive Man', but her sister Merilyn, her parents, and a host of many others who have gone before and loved her dearly.

This woman of Great Faith gave us all an example of love and kindness. She left behind some very empty hearts, an extremely quiet home, her final smile when told that "Melissa and Parker are on their way and will be here soon!" And a reminder to "Always keep your fork. The best is yet to come!"

Hey Dad! I hope I have completed my assignment well that you tasked me with earnestly in 2008, start date, 2011. May my finished project far outweigh any of my hastily 'sort of' completed Confirmation papers from back in the day. ;-) I return her to you. Would you please dance with her around the Heavens on this her Celebration Day? Thank you for picking me to be your daughter. I'll see you when it's my turn.

But first, would you mind helping me find a new job? This one is stamped 'completed'.

Love you both to Heaven and back. Momma, what an amazing life you have had! Daughter, Sister, Wife, Auntie, Mother, Grandma, Great Grandma, Favorite Jam Taste Tester, Servant of our Lord and Savior.

Jacqueline Charlotte Brown Fuller. December 1, 1927-March 13, 2016.


  1. So sorry for your loss! I have been reading your blog since 2008, when i found your patterns in Ravelry. I have made more of your patterns than any other designer, and remember when you lost your father and told the story about them kissing in the elevator :-) All the hugs and comforts sent to you and your family during this time. xoxoxoxo
    Angela (wags8668 on Ravelry)

  2. I'm sorry for your loss. Keeping you and your family in my prayers.

  3. Cathy:
    I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your mother. I have followed your blog for about 6 years, I think and I remembered you talking about the passing of your father. You did a fantastic job taking care of her even though someone in your family didn't think you should! BIG KUDOS to you for all you do! I now wonder if you will be going back to CA and resume your life there! I missed you and your knitting projects! I still knit some of your knitting patterns! Take care!

    Debbie1085 on Rav

  4. I want to send my condolences to you. I've read your blog for so long and knitted your patterns and I just checked to see if you'd posted anything new and was so sorry to read this. I know what your going through, I'm still numb from losing both parents 9 days apart in January. I took care of my dad for 4 years and the echo at home is deafening. Please remember to take care of yourself and I pray God sends you the comfort you need. Knitting has kept me sane I hope it has helped you too.
    Sue aka Knittysue on ravelry

  5. I am so sorry about your mom. glad you were with her. My dad passed while I was on my way...
    hugs to you...

  6. I am so sorry for your loss. It should bring great comfort that your mom is dancing again in her loving husbands arms. Her faith promises eternal life and you will see her again someday. For now, enjoy those grand babies and give them an extra squeeze from their great-grandma. You were a good and faithful daughter when your mom needed you most. You can draw some comfort from that as well.
    Blessings to you and your family

  7. I just found your blog through ravelry, the bag holder pattern. Very nice pattern. Simple to make, and also thoughtfully designed. Thank you for sharing it.

  8. Glad you liked it! I have certainly gotten a lot of use out of mine. Hope you will as well. Enjoy! Happy knitting, Cathy

  9. Cathy:
    I came on your blog because I wanted to knit one of your patterns and found out your mother passed away. My deepest condolence to you and your family. I hope you haven't given up blogging because we love hearing from you and the stuff you have knitted. Please consider coming back just for some chit chat or sharing some gorgeous stuff you have knitted. You can also brag about how many new grandbabies you have! We missed ya!
    Take care!
