Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Diversion tactics

Rumor has it that there will be a brand new baby girl in the family later today...and of course, I'm no where near finished with her blanket or her sweater. (Come on, it's a tradition, like sending out Christmas cards just in time for Valentine's wouldn't be me without being late for something!) So, while I'm clicking away...I'll divert attention with some 'playtime' with the kiddlet! Man oh Man, do I get it...and why she LOVESSSSSSS this place!

Hanging with the daughter from the Charles... her old dorm ..think they got the elevators fixed yet? the Harbor...

Watching talent of all flavors...

Being in the footprints of history...and posing...


Want to tease the daughter? Have another daughter tell her..."Go Yankees!" (oh, neither are Yankee fans, but's all in good fun...)

Remembering a LOT of teenaged memories hanging around this place!

And the kiddlet found a few of her own, too!!!

We had a blast!!! But don't mess with her love of Gagne, sushi or the Chili Peppers!

And now, back to the clicking of needles...quickly.

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