Thursday, August 23, 2007


Remember last June...when I brought these back home to a certain baby shower?

And Mommy and Daddy and Grandma and Great-Grandma looked like this?

Well, Little Miss "B" showed up last night...6:08pm at 8# 10ozs and 20" long!

And the family is totally head over heels in love with her. Even if she was more than a week past her due date! Well worth the wait. Mommy and baby. Very Healthy!

And I'm thinking that little white sweater I made her...won't fit for more than 5 minutes! Good thing we've got another one on the needles for her...time to click faster! Dad...was given the 100% CANCER FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! title officially by his doctor this week! HALLELUJAH!!!! Thank you all for your prayers, good wishes, and amazing support!


  1. Congratulations! She is such a cutie. Nice job on the baby sweaters, I have yet to do either. But I'm going to have time soon to work on them.

    I'm from Maine, and my name is Debbie

  2. That's GREAT news on your dad. Glad the mom and baby are doing great also. Baby is adorable! :)

  3. awwwwwww Cingrats .. what a beautiful Baby!!!!
    Nice photo of the three generations !!!

    Love your blankets, hats and sweaters !!!

  4. Where did you get the lovely pink variegated/randomized yarn...
    Have to find it somewhere,
    tonya underscore stewart at hotmail dot com
