Monday, February 11, 2008

I love repeats!

Do you know what these mean?

Yep, I finished it ...finally! Now, since you've been asking...and for those who's the Feather and Fan Rainbow Baby Blanket over there <----- in the Wishing I was Knitting at the Lake Patterns list. However, the particulars are as follows.

5 skeins Navy, Lion Brand Wool-Ease yarn
1/2 skein Buttercup, Lion Brand Wool-Ease yarn
made 47 pattern repeats; 5 pattern repeats of Navy, 1 pattern repeat of Buttercup, ended up with 5 more pattern repeats of Navy before the top border in Navy.

The rest of the pattern was followed as written.

Last week was a busy week. Meet my newest 'in-person' friend, Norma.

We had the opportunity to get together and knit/crochet one afternoon over lunch. Now, check out what she was working on!

and the close ups!

Let me tell you about her speed! I thought sitting at the top of the Rose Bowl when my oldest marched for UCLA and not looking at my knitting was pretty cool. (So did lots of kids who'd watch and whisper to their parents, Look, she's not even looking at it!) However, I stand humbled as I watched her crochet hook FLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Holy Moly! She's fast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And me who's very crochet challenged...has to watch every.single.loop! She doesn't watch her crocheting either! At her speedy gonzalez speed!!! I am very impressed. Not only did we not run out of things to talk about (we are both part of AC4C yahoo group) we had a very wonderful meet up. Isn't it fun, that people you meet online in your groups, talk to on the phone, turn out to be just as nice and fun in person?

So, what did I do next?

Well, another Two Hearts as One kitchen set. This time for my parents. Dad had a rather rough week last week. On Thursday night he aspirated into his lungs. While they cleared it, he's having a hard time thinking he'll be going home anytime soon. Mom said his doctor keeps telling him to 'buck it up' cuz he doesn't want Dad around there for long. He's very confident that he'll be heading home soon. (Yea! Doc!)

As Mom and Dad go through this round of hospital stays, I'm again reminded of their devotion to each other. They truely embody the 'Two Heats as One' theme I wanted this set to represent. Before Mom was able to go to the hosptial to visit, Dad kept calling her telling her how much he missed her. Isn't that something? To be 79 and 80, and still kiss in the elevator (it's been named the 'Kissing elevator' in their apartment), hold hands, and miss each other when they're not together...I do believe that's what Valentine's Day is all about! Don't you just wanna join me in saying, "Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww...I want one of those!?"

The lighting here, is a wee bit off I think. I made this set in Lion Cotton Poppy Red and it only took 1 skein for both of these, with enough to make up a Tribble...but it's not ready for it's photo shoot just yet. Check out this button I found at my local Tall Mouse store. Isn't it perfect?

So, I'm finally back on track for the family baby that was born back in November who is baby girl #4 in her family, and lives in Ann Arbor. Don't you think she'll be the envy of the boys around town?

Well, perhaphs if I can finish this quickly and get it to her before she grows out of it-huh? Can you tell what this will be?

Three guesses what these are getting ready for?
Yep, everything here is chocolate chip cookies, you love it over and over and over again! Or should I say potato chips, you can't stop at one!
One last request, I love sharing my patterns with you all. I consider it a blessing to have the ability to write them semi-understandable. (well, except for the mistakes...oy! sorry.) It gives me great pleasure to read the comments and the emails from you as you enjoy the patterns and tell me stories of what they mean to you.'s recently popped up that someone, I'll politely say...'borrowed' the pictures from my hot pink Two Hearts as One Dishcloth and Kitchen Hanging Hang Towel as their own work. Please, understand that those are my pictures. I wrote the patterns, I did that work, and I took the pictures. They have been published here, and as such, belong to me. Therefore, they are copyrighted to me. (see the end statement at the bottom of my blog.) I get a big thrill seeing what you all have done on your own. So, please, use your own photos to show off YOUR work. Don't use mine. Polite enough request?

1 comment:

  1. Crocheting by it's very nature is much faster than knitting. Then add an accomplished crocheter to it and watch out!

    Both blankets are very pretty. It's an interesting crochet stitch pattern.
