Monday, February 18, 2008

Tribble Tutorial

Tribbles! Yes, after all the emails and comments that you have all sent to me, I thought I'd share mine with you. Abigail certainly was right when she posted this pattern. They're growing like gangbusters around here! And such a fabulous way to use up your leftovers! So, let's get started.

Number one, you need the pattern. (updated link 12/13/08)
See what I mean? They're mutliplying!

Next, dig out a bag (or two) of your cotton left overs. What, you say you don't have any? Well...hop over to the left side of this page, and knit up a few of my dishcloth patterns (grinning here...) and then you'll have some! After that, you can knit up the Tribbles pattern. Like I did. I try to keep my ends really long- longer than the pattern states. I'll tell you why in a minute. Yes, I still have a lot of left overs, yet. That's ok. I like the pattern, I'll make lots more. Remember, I've been knitting for a veryyyyyyyyyyyy long time, so I've had a chance to collect the left overs. I'm a product of Depression Era parents, you don't throw out anything that might be useful at some point! Today, they just call it living green. (and they think it's a new concept-ha!) Anyway, back to the knitting. The only thing I've done differently with the pattern is to use a (US)7 (4.5mm) needle. They were what I had on hand, and I have a couple of those. So, that's what I grabbed the first time, and that's what I keep using. I do have a pair that's a (US)6 (4.0mm) but I never put them in my knitting bag to take out of the house. I'm afraid of them getting busted. They're not being made anymore. So, my clover (US)7's (4.5mm) are what I keep using.

Next, you're going to sew together the diagonal ends. I love my chibi needles with the little bend in the tip. But, I've used those little plastic blue needles for years. Use what you have, like, or can find in the bottom of your knitting bag.

This is going to give you a 'tube' now. But, do NOT cut your long thread! You're going to use it in the next step.

Using that end you used to sew the diagonal ends together, thread it through the edge stitches all the way around the top of your 'tube'. You're going to pull this together the way I finish my Beanie hats.

Now, as I do with my beanies, I go around the circle twice. Hense the reason for the longer tail. Two times around seems to give me the feeling that it's going to 'last' longer than the first wash cycle. However, watch out when you're pulling the thread that you don't pull too hard and have it break! (Wanna know how I learned That one? )

Then you can clip the thread. Now, I never clip threads too close to the knot. Yes, I use knots on closing the circles. But, again, I have this 'concern' that in the first wash, it's all going to slip out and fall apart. Once anything gets past that first wash, and it stayed together, I'm ok with it.

After that, I turn mine inside-out and that will hide the first knot inside. Repeat that same process with the opposite end of the tube. Run your needle through the outter edge stitch twice, and pull it closed.

Here's where you can see it getting closed up. Becareful as you pull on your live thread. You may find it helpful to 'smooth' the Tribble so you can pull the center tighter.

To hide the knot, I'll run the thread behind the closed circle not, once, but twice. Once is good, twice is better? If you pull it well, the knot will slip t the inside and not show on the outside.

Draw the needle up on the opposite side of the closed circle, and then clip your thread. The end will (luckily) slip to the inside and that SHOULD be the last time you see it.

Using your thumbs, start smoothing out the Tribble from the center circle. I have explained before as if you had some pastry in a pie plate. You're going to stretch it from the center outwards. I use my thumbs to do that. Keep going on both sides, or as much as you need for it to lay flat.

That's it! Your Tribble is complete. But wait, you still have leftovers, so go back to that stash of leftovers, and knit up a bunch!

I'm going to finish up this little's the BSJ (Baby Surprise Jacket) from EZ...and the little girl (yes a girl!) who will wear this (providing she hasn't outgrown it..) was born last November (I'm so far behind!). Now, she's baby girl #4 for her family and they're buried in Pink over there. So here's to starting with her collection of U of Michgan sweaters! Bout time, eh?

I'm heading to Michigan at the end of the week to be with my parents. Dad is having another surgery and this is the one my brothers are calling the "scary one." The doctor is going in after the Haital Hernia. Dad's a bit (huge exaggeration here) nervous on this one. And for a change, the Stubborn Ole' Swede (Mom-her self proclamined title) didn't stop to bat an eye when I said it was time for me to go home. So, say a few prayers for my parents, and for the Doctor, his surgical team and his nursing staff. He's been in the hospital for over 2 weeks thus far, and he's probably looking at another 2 more post surgery. Cabin fever doesn't begin to describe how he's feeling. Dad's down to 156#'s the last time he weighed himself. That threw him for a loop, too. He used to be over 200 #'s. I'm bringing his vest with me to see if I'll have to restart it smaller. I'm hoping not. But with the weater they've had this year in Michigan, he's going to need the wool when he goes home to keep him warm. That way I can hug him when I'm not there. The vest, and the afghan that I made him a couple of years back when this whole surgical process started. He fell onto his step ladder putting away books in his library. August, 2004. I've actually lost count of the number of surgeries he's had. That's a scary thing to actually say out loud. It's been way too many!

I have one more project between the baby sweater and working on the vest full time. With a little luck, you'll see it soon. Hint, it's Green. Hopefully, without all the typos and 'need to fix-its' from the last Two Hearts as One pattern set. I 'Think' I have them all fixed now. (I certainly hope!) Thanks for all the help you guys have given me when you go through the patterns. It's great! And gratefully appreciated. Now, back to knitting!


  1. Oooo, I love the colors you chose for the BSJ! I've done the BSJ and ASJ and I'm really glad for the experience. Yours looks great!

  2. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
    I have put off making the tribbles partly because of being a very visual person, needing to SEE how to do something and your tutorial is JUST what I needed! Gotta go...have a big box of leftover yarn to paw through and work up! :) ~Tricia

  3. I've been thinking about your folks this week wondering how they're doing. Have a safe flight back and watch the roads when you get here. We have had one heck of a winter here. Freezing, snowing, thawing,ice storm start all over again. Darn groundhog anyway.

  4. Thanks for the Tribble pattern...I assume that the Tribbles are used for washing dishes?? Right? I knit your heart cloth for my mom for Valentines Day. She loves hand knit dishcloths and your heart cloth is so cute. Thank you for sharing the pattern.

    I hope your father breezes through his surgery and is back on his feet soon. It's so scary when our parents are hurting, we always think that they will be around forever.

  5. ooo...i cant wait to create some tribbles!

  6. Thanks so much for a great pattern with photos. i made my first tribble last night. It's great, I used it today. Photo is on my blog.


  7. I love the BSJ sweater!! Nice job! I must do tribbles when I get a Round Tuit! ;)

  8. Wow. Thanks so very much for the tutorial and the photos. After several attempts to understand and follow the pattern I gave up trying. Now I finally got it and will be casting on ASAP

  9. I would love to make this Tawashi but cannot seem to access the pattern if there is anyway you could get the pattern to me the link isn't working.

  10. Kristie, The link worked just fine for me a moment ago. It is a pdf pattern, so check and make sure you're adobe is up to date. Since it's not my pattern, I can't give it to you, but recommend that you try the link again.

  11. Oh, holy cow - thank you so much for the tribble tutorial. I was sewing up the sides the wrong way (un-tubular) and was really getting frustrated. Your photos and description were exactly what I needed!

  12. Jennifer, So glad I could be of help! many are you going to make? ahahahah...

  13. I found your tribble tutorial tonight. It was so well done, I added a link to it on my blog sidebar and in this post. I've been making tribbles for a few months and like them so much more than dishcloths. I'm looking forward to exploring your blog some more.

  14. Thanks, hope you enjoy the rest as well!
    happy knitting!

  15. Ok, quick question... I made one according to the pattern but now I want to make a bigger one. I know to increase the stitches to begin with but is there any math the the addtional length that needs to be added too? I would assume it would have to be longer so it would still be a circle when it's done, right?
    Thanks! I love this and have judt bought TONS of sugar n cream to make them!!

  16. Patty, I didn't write the original pattern, but I'll bet it's something you could 'play' with easily.
    1. Start by measuring the gauge that you have already got with the ones you've knit.
    2. Decide which size you want to create.
    3. Add the additional stitches to your cast on row.
    4. As you're knitting up the rows, use your math from you original gauge to see how many more rows you're going to need to knit.
    5. Before you cast off, fold your new sized tribble and see if that's the size you were aiming for in the first place. If not, adjust your cast on amount and your length amount to what you were trying to reach.

    Enjoy! Now you're thinking how to make patterns your 'own'!

  17. I *knew* there was a reason I kept all those cotton scraps and bits and ends! I found the pattern then followed it to your blog. Great post!

  18. Thank you so much! My best friend made me one, and it is the best Facecloth, perfect size! I dislike using a washcloth, as it is way too big, and drips water all over. Now, I am here for the pattern and displays, I will be making a lot of these! :)

  19. I have so enjoyed knitting up this pattern. Thank you for sharing it. I've made a good many for Christmas gifts and hung them over Bath & Body Work kitchen soaps and I have also made it a smidge bigger for a bath puff. Thank you for sharing this!

  20. What a great idea! But the thanks all goes to Abigail for the original pattern. I just spent time taking a lot of pictures.

  21. Found you due to curiosity over the Tribble pattern. Thanks for that. GO BLUE!!

  22. Exactly what I needed to figure out the Tribble pattern on ravelry. Mind if I add this link to my ravelry project for quick reference for anyone that cares?

  23. THANK YOU for the detailed instructions and photos!!!! This post saved my sanity!!!

  24. So, what all can tribbles be used for? I am going to attempt this pattern today with some leftover yarn I have!

  25. Thank you so much for the Tribble Pattern....And Thank you Again, because it is a knitted pattern as I do not cochet...
    Going to start mine tomorrow.... Thanks again Jane Rader

    1. It's Abigail's pattern. She did all the designing and figuring out. I just took a bunch of pictures to show how I get mine to look that way.

  26. Hi, I was interested to read your comment on the knitting needles 4mm not being made anymore. 4mm is a standard English/Australian size and are defiantly being made, unless your talking of a particular brand. I used to love a brand called nacre. They had the original metal rod through the centre. Can’t get them in Australia anymore.

    1. Umm, I'm not sure how to respond. The 4.25mm used to be the standard US 6 size. Those are pretty much impossible to find any more. The pair in this posting I referred to were a pair of 4.0mm Brittny Black Walnut that were then being sold only on eBay for up to $65 USD. The company had stopped making their black walnut needles. So while traveling 48 weeks a year and up to 9 flights in a week I didn't want to take them out of the house for fear of having them get broken and then unable to replace them.

      The good news is that the company is once again making and selling black walnut needles! They found a new fair trade source of black walnut and are up and running again. For straight needles I love these! I still won't take my collection out of the house, some of which I originally bought for $6.95 each before they were discontinued. They're great to use- as all wood, for people who can't use metal needles. Especially for those with arthritis. And if you have people who don't care to hear click click click while watching tv- these are quiet.
