Friday, April 25, 2008

I'm pretty sure I have S*O*S...

I know, I still have the armbands and neck band to finish for my Dad's vest....but it's wool..and it was like 90*F here today, and going to be 95*F tomorrow and 98*F on Sunday. And I posted the sack sock pattern this week..and still have to post the orange one yet...and I have more ideas...and...I misplaced my glasses 2 weekends ago...and since several groups have been discussing having SOS lately...I must confess...I have it too! Shinny Object Syndrome! Oh, come on, you already knew that huh?

So, of course last night I knit up 2 Bloomington Hooiser Dishcloths, because next week is GRADUATION WEEK! And the son's friends..well..they just NEED one each. Well..they might not know it yet..but I said so...I'm the Mom and I can say so!

Then, this morning while I was working on this next sack sock...I noticed how the colors pooled at the 90 stitches area of the bottom edge, but after the decreasing eyelet went right into stripes! How cool is that? I'm just the same Simply Striped Sack Sock pattern right over there <----- as I did with the pink and blue ones, but this striping pattern was a surprise to me! So, then I thought I better start looking for my glasses again.

But I came across a box of 6 baby blankets that SHOULD have been mailed out to NMCRS oh wayyyyyyy back in oh, say....2005, early 2006....and when I went to get them all labeled and boxed up I thought I should add them to my Raverly projects. After all...these were knitted for charity and should have their showing off time with the long gone Red Heart TLC Lustre yarn that I really, really miss! In order from the left side, we have for your viewing pleasure:
Rainbow Feather and Fan Baby Blanket in Pink TLC Lustre, NMCRS Basketweave Blanket, ver. 2 in Natural TLC Lustre, Diamonds from Fiber Trends leaflet by Beverly Galeskas (oh such talent from the one and only felted oven mitts designer!) in Med Blue TLC Lustre, Ruffled Ridges from the same Fiber Trends leaflet in Yellow TLC Lustre, Puffy basketweave Blanket in Mint TLC Lustre, and last but not least, the Ladder stitch from Ann Norling (another of my favorite pattern designers!) using Red Heart Baby Sport in pink and double stranded.

While I was adding them to the Ravelry 'files' I was knitting away on the sack sock. This colorway is called Chocolate OMB....but I think it reminds me of the colors when making chocolate chip cookies. It's a great pattern all that knitting in the round while you're reading and waiting for pictures to upload...and it now looks like this:

I'd say it's about 40% finished up the tube....I'm still surprised with the's nearly perfect! Which makes me want to keep on working on this, and then noticed that it was too late to take the baby blanket to be shipped.

And the vest still hasn't been touched..nor have my glasses been found yet. SOS? yaaaaaaaa...I think's all knitting..right?


  1. Wow! I love the blankets for the NMCRS. I'm so glad you found them. Better late than never - and who knows - maybe they were destined for babies who were meant to be born in 2008 - not 2005 or 2006. They are just lovely patterns. Thanks for the info.

  2. The baby blankets are LOVELY!!! Makes me want to make some too!!!
    THANKS for sharing! I LOVE your patterns!
