Tuesday, April 29, 2008

More stripes, more sack socks, less stash...

Over the weekend, with the help of some veryyyyyyyyyyyyy nearly 6 year old hands, I pulled 28+ pounds of yarn from the stash to send onto my new knitting friends back home. Since I seem to be in the land of cotton lately, not to mention I really should be finishing up Dad's vest, I thought they'd have the current time to devote to the baby acrylic, blends and wool skeins that seem to be sitting in the 'I wonder if she'll ever get around to me' pile. I'd much rather they get used up faster than I seem to be able to get to them. So...after an 'expertly packed by almost 6 year old hands' set of boxes, they've been FedEx'd off to the ladies back home along with 3 baby sweater sets.

Next, I finished up the 'chocolate chip sack sock' made in the same Simply Striped Sack sock pattern as the pink and blue sets. (patterns over <------ there). Ahhhhhhh the collection is growing!

Here's another look at making the double loop into a single loop to hang it with...

Some more random pictures from the sack sock...

And I'm nearly finished with the towel to go with it. I think this yarn was really made for 60 stitches in the round on (US)7 (4.5mm) needles. Maybe even down to 56-58 stitches. The color stripe pattern is nearly perfect for it. Although, it seems fairly even going vertical on the towel. I prefer the sack sock for it.

I got a shot of all the pink striped pieces together, but it's not the 'money shot' I thought it would be. But...they're all 'lined' up. (ha ha)

And last but not least..I finished the rest of the orange Christmas Lace set! And the patterns are ready to go up! I'll post those in a moment one at a time. Keep in mind, that the Christmas Lace Dishcloth pattern is already over (<-----) there in the list of Wishing I was Knitting at the Lake Patterns. And even tho' it's got that 'Christmas' label in the title, as you saw with the brown one I did for my daughter last December, you can do this in ANY color you fancy. It's a great lace pattern and I'd love to find just the right color for my Mom's kitchen..or her sisters..or..or...hmmmmmmmmm I need to find some more large skeins of cotton here!

Yet, I still haven't located the silly spot I laid my glasses down in.....mmmm.....hope I can find them faster than my car keys that were packed into my daughter's dorm boxes in 2003 that we just found a few months ago...

1 comment:

  1. i'm just wondering where on earth you find such awesome cotton colours!
    i'm kind of stuck with michaels as a local source...
    do you order online?
