Friday, August 15, 2008

Olympic Knitting

First off, a couple of quick thank yous to every one who answered about the plants, and gave additional information, which means I probably won't have able to have them in Southern California. Darnit. I was so hoping, but knowing now that the hosta/hoya plants are shade plants, well, I guess it's just not to be.

A HUGE thank you to Casey and Mary-Heather from Ravelry for helping me get my goodies while I'm in Michigan. FYI, so you don't get caught like I did, if you're paying with Pay Pal bank account rather than credit card, they can't ship until your bank releases your payment, which can take a few extra days. Next time I'll do a cc type payment and not have to stress that a package will arrive at Mom and Dad's after I've left. Now, isn't that stuff just too cute?

Yesterday's cooking to help stuff Mom and Dad's freezer, spaghetti on the left, Beef Stew on the right.

For those who were questioning how I Love this Cotton! washes up? Here's Mom's face cloth I gave her the other day when we arrived straight out of the dryer tonight-without having to re-block it! She's used it for a couple of days, and I think it's washed up pretty well! Don't you think? I'm guessing I can get 2 cloths out of one skein. So even if you didn't get it on sale (like me) that's not too shabby for $1.50 for a washcloth. Much cheaper than shopping at the mall!

How's your Olympic Knitting coming along? I have a tendency to 'over plan' I think.

From the left. That's Purple! Paton's Classic wool for a 'surprise scarf'. Top: pink I love this Cotton! for 2 butterfly wash cloths, Bottom: Aqua I Love this Cotton for Mom's Chemo hat. Right: right, Berry Jam, and Angel Baby Bee Sweet Delights Baby yarn for size 2 sweater for a 'Little Miss B's" Birthday party-this Saturday at noon-yes, tomorrow.

So far, I have the chemo hat done, while driving up from Fort Wayne, IN and finished it as we got close to Bay City, MI. I consider this to be the qualifying round to advance towards the finals. I tell you, driving with my daughter while trying to 'compete' against myself for the Olympic Knitting, tain't easy. But interesting. And then we'll have to unpack her stuff after getting there on Monday. So, all in all...I'm shortened on my knitting time here.

This morning I was able to get about three quarters of the first of the butterfly cloths done while waiting to go to the yarn shop. This should have been round 2,but it's been pushed back to round 3. After nearly creating Olympic Confetti yarn last night, I decided that the pattern I'd picked from Kids, Kids, Kids and I weren't meant to be on the same team.

So around 10:30am Dad drove me over to 'A Piece of Ewe' here in Bay City, cute yarn shop! and picked up a few choices to knit from. Oh ya, the Baby's birthday party, did I mention is Noon!

Can't tell which is cuter, the sweater or the little cutie pie wearing it! I'll be making this yellow sweater, called Girl's Lacy Cardigan out of the Sirdar book, #332, Little Sweet Peas." Size 2-3 with Sweet Delight Baby, Berry Jam. (US) 6 (4mm) needles. I've decided to make a few changes, and I'll tell you more after it's finished.

I cast on at the strike of Noon today, and by 1:20 pm this is as far as I'd gotten. It was time to go start more Beef stew. We're rolling now! ahahahaaaaaaaaa......

However, by dinner time, not only did we get more Beef stew finished, and a chicken and rice dinner completed, more had been accomplished.

And as Michael Phelps was accepting his 7th Gold metal of these games, this is how far the little sweater had grown. Too bad I'm in the Eastern time zone rather than in Southern California where I'd have three more hours to work on this!....This could be the Gold Metal feat here if I make it.
Time to get back to knitting, as breakfast will be at 8am with Grandma and Grandpa (Mom and Dad) over at Bob Evans, a staunch Saturday morning ritual around here, with a visit to Mom's older sister between breakfast and the Noon party.

Can someone teach me to knit while I sleep tonight? I'm thinking the surprise scarf might be akin to the post Winter Olympic show that the ice skaters put on. With the last minute changes around here, and the 'little bit of moving' in the middle of all of this, I'm not so sure that's going to be finished by closing ceremonies. At least I'll be able to watch them from Boston and not on the road as we were during the Opening Ceremonies.

1 comment:

  1. The baby sweater is completely adorable - and I love it in the purple you chose! Good luck meeting your goal for the Olympics!
