Thursday, August 14, 2008

Worm Binder and needle storage

Several years ago, OK, maybe more, I took a 'page' out of the old "ABC Home Show" from the 80's and Carol Duvall's suggestion of using a coat hanger and punching a hole into Ziploc bags to store odds and ends of yarn and sewing trims to make a notebook for my circular needles.

While it worked alright, I found the the Ziploc bags got caught in the rings and it ended up being a bit frustrating to flip pages when looking for a particular size, especially in a hurry. Also, when I would go put the notebook back on the shelf, the pages would fall down and hang below the notebook ends. Great idea but it needed a little tweaking.

So, when the knitting groups started talking about this idea found in the fishing department at a store called Bass Pro, my ears perked up! Only, I've never been able to find one that was opened when I was there. And I didn't want to order something online before I had a chance to really look at it.

With that in mind, I bring to you a FREAKIN" FABULOUS idea! The 'Worm Binder'! Let me just share with you how happy a camper I am with this item!

This was the smaller of the binders that they had. My daughter suggested that I might not need the bigger one. Remember, she's not a knitter, but did have a point. Now, I'd like to get a 2nd one for my double points. I don't carry them around often, but I think it would be a great organizer for them. Here's the front of it. Blue, I like blue! Good color, as far as I'm concerned. Perfect for me!

Inside both the front and back sides, you'll find 4 pockets on each that zipper shut.

Abso-freakin'-lutely perfect for my chibi needle holder, needle sizer, stitch markers, and tape measure stuff.

The 'pages' are very similar to the zip bags but the ends are reinforced oh so much better than just plain ziplock type bags. See how well the needles fit into each page?

Down on corner of each bag, I used some clear tape and wrote out each size in both US and mm numbers. That way I SHOULD be able to stay organized, providing I remember to put them back where they belong after using the needles. (Hear the magic word there?)

Behind the pages, in the back, there's even enough space for me to put in my Debbie Macomber notions back that holds a bunch of other little things I like to keep with my knitting bag.

Check out how the holes are all reinforced with metal grommets. And if the snap ring needs to be replaced, a quick trip to the office supply store, and you can put in a new one.

The back of this little gem has a mesh pocket to hold other things like small pattern books (boy do I miss Knitting Digest! That was the perfect size for this pocket.)

Yep, I'd love to have a 2nd one of these now to store my double point needles in. I for one, love this project. Now, can we get a knitting company to make these, so I don't have to have a Bass fish on the front?

Time for me to tear apart my knitting bag. We're going to a 1 year old birthday party on Saturday and I got so frustrated with the sweater I wanted to make last night, after ripping out the sweater 3 times, I have managed to 'misplace' the firewire for my camera. Other wise, I'd be able to share the Spaghetti recipe that I made for Mom and Dad today. I spent the day making spaghetti and beef stew to help stuff their freezer while I'm here. I have the pictures, but can't upload them to the computer. Figures. It couldn't go all smoothly here. Oh, and Mom was ready to make yarn confetti last night with me, too after the knots we came into with one of the skeins of yarn. However, the Mommy of the soon to be one year old...asked my daughter to day if I was going to be knitting another sweater - the sweaters I gave her for her baby shower last summer are all getting to be too small and fall is on it's way. Guess I need to knit really fast tomorrow?


  1. I think that a cute little iron on patch from your local craft store would take care of that lovely decal on your otherwise precious bag.

  2. Whoa - that is a great idea! I really like it. Thanks for the tip!

  3. Holy Moley! Thats the best storage solution idea for circs and dpns that I have ever seen. Hmm.... Im going to have to make a trip out to bass pro...
