Sunday, April 25, 2010

Wonderful Wallaby #2

When you get a request from a cutie pie 7 year old to make him a sweater just like 'Alvin's', you KNOW you need to jump on it asap.

So, taking his suggestions, I measured him in his favorite jacket, since this is the size he wanted.

He took me by the hand and led me directly to where he KNEW the yarn was already in my house-smart kid, he pays attention!

But then he asked for thumbholes to be added to the cuffs. No problem, just make 'em like wristwarmers! I tried it on just before I went back to Michigan before I joined the sleeves to the body and realized it was a perfect fit for right then. No room for growth. Since I wasn't going to get it done prior to boarding the plane, we decided to add a little extra length in the body and the sleeves.

Then I finished it right after I got to Michigan so I had mailed it to him. I had THOUGHT I'd have left on Valentine's Day, February 14th. Since I didn't leave until the end of March, I had to wait until yesterday when his schedule met up with mine to get pictures of him wearing it so I could see how it fit.

I do believe we got him some growing room. Child sized 12 with extra length in the sleeves and body, just under 3 skeins of 'I Love this Yarn!' in Navy. Then add in one older brother to stand behind my shoulders to make him laugh while taking pictures to show his new big teeth! wa-la...makes the knitter happy!


  1. Love it! Especially the part where he knows where your yarn is kept.

    Might just call for a second Wallaby -- in red (wink!).

  2. I love it! Those thumb holes are brilliant. Gotta love this kid. That smile is fabulous.

  3. Yep, that kid is a smart one for certain-he knows where all the good stuff is kept at my house! Now, if you look carefully behind his'll know to keep on your toes. AND, since he's related to my 4 kids...well, I pay attention. hahahaha...

    Liz thinks he should have red...we'll see what he askes for next! (Red's a hard color coming from this Wolverine heart..unless you're talking about my Wings!) ahahahaha....

    Jennifer..coming from the Queen of the Wallabys, thanks! But you should have seen my son's face over my shoulder creating that smile! The two of them together? oh boy!

  4. He's a cute boy for sure. Nice Wallaby,too. I am all for the Navy Michigan Wolverines. My gf's husband and two of their three daughters went to U of M. I have the U of M Barbie.


  5. OOOOOOOOOOOOOO me, too! My Mom sent it one year for Christmas! With a note saying that I could ditch it if I didn't want it. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? It's in a really safe place! With her pom-poms!

  6. You do such nice work....if you cam call knitting work. You hoodie looks great & it's so nice when a kid likes it as much as he obviously does.

    I never heard of I LOVE THIS YARN before, where did you find it?

    I used your pattern sequence for a baby blanket for my grand-niece. The parents requested Steeler colors.

  7. THanks, I Love this Yarn! is from Hobby Lobby. You can also order it online:
    thanks for asking!

  8. Blanket looks great ....for Steelers colors (g) I take it you're not a fan? Actually, the blanket looks great!

    happy knitting,

  9. Don't you just love making up the Wonderful Wallaby? This is so cute on him and I LOVE the color!

  10. I love the Wonderful Wallaby! My mom has made me at least two sweaters and one for herself with that pattern! Excellent addition of the thumbholes!

  11. Cathy:
    I have this book and fixin' to start on this wallaby... Did you start on the sleeve or did you start on the sweater first? I know the direction says to start on sleeve but I have seen you do both... Your advice is appreciated.

  12. Doesn't matter which you do first, since you have to have all 3 pieces done before you knit the shoulders and hood. I started the sleeves first on the 2nd one so I could figure out the thumb holes the kiddo wanted knit into them. I had limited time to be with him to try it on at that point.
    Good luck and have fun with the pattern!
