Sunday, May 2, 2010

How does the saying go?

Oh, I remember, if you wanna make God laugh, tell Him your plans. Right? Well in that same vein, if a knitter wants to make a deadline, then I guess you're supposed to line up your projects?

Yea, I think I've developed some serious Knitter's ADD...

Here are the sleeves for my Yankee Aran sweater...coming along nicely, with the changes to the pattern. I really do like the Wishbone cable going up the center of each sleeve. Can you see the ribbing on the outsides of the sleeves? They're the same ones were in Mom's sweater a year+ ago back in Nov/Dec, 2008. I really don't like seed stitch, etc...these make me happier. But boy, after knitting the Top Down sweater from Knitting Pure and Simple on size 9's...this is a 'little' bit slower! Nope, that's not going to be finished for the Syracuse trip next weekend... But then it doesn't help that I was also working on....

The 'blue stripes' afghan for the cutest 7 year old that was started when he was 6, and just happens to be, as of today, the cutest 8 year old. Hmmmm....wonder if this will end up being a 'take it to college with you' kind of project for him? And that was supposed to have been done for last year's birthday, then Christmas, then toady's pushed back to....College Graduation?

But then, I had this brilliant idea that I'd knit up another Tam for Mom for Mother's Day! The one that's next Sunday? yea, keep laughing....

I saw the pattern in Ravelry when I made that decision...

Click on the picture to see the book's pictures. It's really cute. But, two things happened this week...

I only had 1 skein of yarn in the dye lot until yesterday, and didn't realize until I'd reached this point that I wasn't going to have enough. Point to remember...if the pattern says you need 2 skeins of 150 yards each? Ummmmm..1 skein of 190 yards won't be enough! Oh, and if you DON'T remember to stop along the way every so often to relax, you could end up like me with a pinched nerve in your shoulder! And let me just say how much it HURTS until you take time away from knitting to let it stop pinching. Yea...3 hours, pain pills, and a you KNOW how much time I lost there? Ulg. Next go round...I'm going back to some stretching every so often. Much smarter idea.

OK, this might not be much different than the last time I put up a picture of these socks. However, if you look carefully, you can see the definite area where I finally figured out the correct tension with these needles. I'm still toying with starting over, or just letting it sit for my first teeny tiny needles/yarn pair of socks so I'll always have something to measure my future socks. Subject still opened to debate... Yea, I thought I'd have had those finished while I was back in Michigan to wear and show my Mom....

And since we all know that I suffer from a major case of SOS (shinny object syndrome)....after afghans for Afghans sent out an email asking for socks for the 7-14 age groups by May 14th...

These are also in the works. I'm going to safely guess they won't get mailed in time for the deadline, but I can always hang onto them until they call for worsted weight woo socks again. After all, I still have 13 1/2 skeins left over from making Mom's sweater back in November 20008. If I were to use the rest all for socks, that would be a LOT of socks.

But then, I think I've already proven that I'd never get them done in any sort of short time period. Why? Because last night I also wound up the rest of the blue yarn from my cone of Lion Cotton that I used for the Aloha kitchen set that was part of the Dishcloth Hangups for 2010 pattern book. Why? I still need to knit up one more place mat before June 2nd.

Yea, I have a little bit, OK, a LOT of Knitting ADD going on over here. How about you?


  1. OH Yes I have some Knitting ADD, I have a Central Park Hoodie on the needles, a pair of socks, a dishcloth and I'm starting a afghan. But with the pinched nerve in my neck and my artheritis/CT in hands...I do have to stretch or I'm miserable.

  2. OMG!! Am I looking in a mirror or what! I am EXACTLY the same way!!! I can't even count the number of WIP's I have that people are waiting for. I get som bored so quickly!! Thanks for being just like me !!!

  3. HI Cathy,

    I have always got several items in one stage or another of knitting. I have several pigs( Projects in grocery/plastic bags started and left for a long time) and several ones that I'm working on now.

    I have four weddings I am knitting dish/washcloths for. I have one done and have alot of the second/third done. Haven't started for the fourth.

    Stopped them for awhile and have been doing some names by marilyn and some things for Em's first great granddaughter,too.

    You're not the only one with AHAD.

