Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Ya know...

Ya know, I ONLY showed you the 5 projects that I had worked on last week...I didn't show you how many projects have been started and thrown into a corner/box/bin/garage and left undone! That would just be a big ol' can of worms! (Or would that be a big old box of yarn knots?)

I would HATE to actually go and count up all of those! I did, however, get the first sock done for afghans 4 Afghans current 7-14 aged collection. It seems like I'm not going to make it in time for the May 14th deadline, but then again, ya never know! I do like this idea of using up wool left overs for socks! I had pulled out a lot of my 'end of hat' left overs and didn't even use up one tiny little ball for the cuff and toes! Soooo, maybe this would be a great way to stash bust? And worsted weight on sizes 5 (3.75mm)needles sure goes faster than 2.5mm needles! On my way to use up some more!


  1. OMG! AGAIN! I'm am just like you!!! I have TONS of wips in bags all over the place that I either got too bored with or just was taking too long.
    Thanks again for making feel like I'm not alone!!

  2. Just doin' what I can ma'am...doing what I can! hahaaha....
